Five Months

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I sat on the couch, as Jessie walked past me to open the door. She invited Christy and Link in with a smile, allowing Lilly, Lincoln, and Lando to rush upstairs to play with Locke and Shepard.

Link sat down next to me, Christy and Jessie heading to the kitchen, probably to figure out how they'd tell us.

"She told me we were just visiting today. She still hasn't told me," Link whispered into my ear. I looked at the purple bags hanging under his eyes.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked, pushing a stray hair off of his face for him.

"Maybe an hour. Hour and a half, I don't really know," he mumbled.

Jessie and Christy finally entered the room, sitting on the couch across from us.

"Link, Rhett.. We have something to tell you," Christy said. I could feel Link's body tense up against mine, figuring he was bracing himself.

"We're having an affair on you.." Jessie choked out, spherical tears already forming in her eyes. I could feel Link's body shake, and I knew he was falling apart.

At this point, we've all broken each other's hearts, no need to hide it.

I wrapped my arms around Link, holding him close to my body. I gently kissed the top of his head, glancing at Jessie after lifting my lips away from his fluffy, black hair.

Jessie had pure confusion spread across her face, while Christy was shocked.

Link continued to sob, removing his glasses to wipe at his eyes.

"We have something to tell you too," I said, calmly.

Link looked up at me, tears still in his eyes.

"We discovered, during this trip, that we had feelings for each other. We knew we would just hide our feelings, because we still loved you, it's just-" I tried to explain.

"You mean to tell me you've been screwing around on us this whole time too? How can you be crying Link?" Christy began to shout.

"We kissed, once! What have you been doing?" Link finally shouted back. Jessie and I glanced at each other. The tears in her eyes had disappeared, replaced with... A smile?

"This is great!" Jessie exclaimed, jumping off the couch.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"We can still be 'married'," Jessie said, pointing between her and I. "But, we can still be with the person we love!" she squealed, grasping onto Christy's hand.

I looked over at Link, but he still had fury glossed over his eyes.

"I don't understand," Christy said, looking up at my beaming wife.

"Rhett and I can still be married, to protect the kids from confusion, and not to cause any suspicion from the fans. Same thing for you and Link!" Jessie explained. She was right, this was perfect. The kids wouldn't know any better, they could continue life as they always have, same with the Mythical Beasts. The upside to it all, we'll still be with the person we love.

I looked over at Link excitedly. "Link, it could work!" I matched Jessie's excited tone, kissing him on the forehead once more. I glanced over at Christy, who too, was ecstatic, hugging Jessie tightly.

Link wasn't happy though. I could tell.

"You didn't answer my question... What else happened?" Link persisted. At this point, I was too happy that this would work out, I didn't want to know.

"Well... Everything...I don't know how you want me to answer..." Christy mumbled. That felt like a small jab to the heart, but I brushed it off, reminding myself this could work.

"How long?" Link asked.

"W-what?" Christy and Jessie asked in unison.

"For how long has this been going on?" Link asked, holding back his sobs.

Silence filled the air for a while. Jessie finally opened her mouth, as Christy wasn't volunteering to speak.

"Five months. Well... Five months we've known we've been in love, we only shared a few kisses every now and then. This last week, when you guys were gone was when... Ya know," Jessie said, thinking over which words she decided to say.

"That's when things got serious," Christy finished her sentence for her.

It was my turn to fight back tears. Link was completely numb to their answer, he was practically expecting it. I wasn't though, I could feel the moment my heart shattered.

That whole time she didn't love me. That whole time she was acting like she still loved me. It wouldn't be any different for her, to act like we were still in love. She's been doing it for five months already.

You've been worthless for five months.

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