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"Just drop it, okay?"

Ethan was angry at me. I didn't even know why. "Why should I? I love him. I want him to love me back," I cried.

He gave me a death glare. "Why do you want him back? He doesn't deserve you. If he really loved you, why would he cheat on you? You don't get it do you? You shouldn't change yourself because of my terrible excuse of a brother. You don't know this, but you are beautiful just the way you are," he exclaimed with so much passion in what he was saying.

I don't know why he cared so much. He's never acted like this before. I tried to change the subject. "So, what are we going to watch?"

He grew silent. He didn't even say a word. He just glared at me. "Ethan, you're going to have to tell me why you're angry with me."

He shrugged his shoulders, " I'm not mad. Let's just watch 50 Shades of Gray," he smiled.

I punched him on his arm, " I am not watching that movie with you. "

"So you would watch it with my no good as-"

I put my hand over his mouth. When I did, he bit my hand. "Ow! That hurt."

"Don't cut me off," he muttered.

"I'm sorry. Truce," I reached my hand out.

"Truce," he repeated. Before he could shake my hand, I grabbed him, and pushed him off the couch. I smiled triumphantly, "I thought you said truce," he whined.

My dad came through the front door. He was probably working late tonight. He didn't really care that Ethan comes over either. He has always had a dream that we would get married. I always turn down his ideas. I never have liked Ethan that way. Just in a best friend sort of way. Ethan always would play around with my dad. He would say, 'I'm to much of a handful'. They always laugh at that too.

"Hey, Claire!" He cheered. "Hey, Grant," my dad never called him by his first name. It was either Grant or Dolan. I think Ethan liked that. "I'm just going to go to bed. Long day at the office," he added.

I smiled at him. I got up from the couch, and hugged him. He kissed me on my forehead. "Goodnight, angel," he walked to his room.

I turned to Ethan, "Let's have a sleepover. I'll meet you upstairs. You bring the popcorn, and I'll bring the sodas and candy." He smiled then got up.

Once I got the stuff, I ran upstairs. I opened a drawer. Ethan's drawer. He kept stuff here, because he practically lived at my house. He has an extra toothbrush, pajamas, underwear, even some of his soap so he could take showers.

I threw some of his pajama bottoms on my bed for him to take. He doesn't have shirts anymore. He refuses to wear them. He sleeps with no shirt on. Boys. A few seconds later, he came bounding up the steps. "Thornberry, get my shower ready asap!" He demanded.

I looked at him, "why should I do that?"

"You don't want your butt to get hit, now do you?"
I knew he was kidding, but I couldn't help but be scared. "My butt? I didn't know I had one, according to you," I remarked.

He smiled. I smiled back. His smile was contagious. "Is Eety- Weety mad," I put my hand up next to my to simulate crying.

"You know I don't like being called that," he got up with his fist clenching.

"Eety- Weety, Eety- Weety, Eety- Weety," I stood up, and stuck out my tongue.

"You're going to get it," he stood up, and chased me around my room. I finally was able to get into my bathroom.

I locked myself in it. He banged on it for a while. "Fine, if you are going to stay in there, I'm going to call Gray to come get you out."

I knew he would. I unlocked the door. I opened the door slowly. "I surrender," I crossed my arms

"Put your hands up," he opened the door with one of my nerf guns. He was armed and loaded.

I raised my hands to my head slowly. He nodded his head. He got closer. Still holding his gun. When he was about 5 feet away, he shot me. Square in the forehead. "Owe! I thought you weren't going to shoot me," I said.

"Why did you think that?"

"Because I put my hands up when you said," he smiled at that.

I needed up chasing him around the house. I eventually caught him beside the couch. He jumped up and scared me. Causing me to scream. On the bright side, Dad didn't hear me.

The next morning I got up to make breakfast. I always make breakfast for Dad and me. Since Ethan was over again, I was going  to put a pop tart in the toaster. I made eggs, bacon, sausage, and put some strawberries on the side. Then I put the pop tart on the side for Ethan. I knew he wouldn't eat it though.

I ran upstairs to get Ethan up for school.  I threw an apple, and it hit him straight were the sun doesn't shine. He yelled in agony. He got up, and slapped my butt. Time for school," I told him while rubbing my butt. I then get into the shower.
It took me 15 minutes longer than I usually did.  But I have to admit, I looked really good. Once I finished eating breakfast, I ran over to Ethan's house. We always ride together. Ethan, Grayson, and I. It's going to be awkward riding with Grayson now. I knocked on his door cheerfully.

Ethan answered the door immediately. His jaw was wide with amazement. "You look so hot," he smirked. "Let's go. Grayson is not riding with us today," he closed the door.

I am glad he wasn't.


At school, people whistled at me. They smacked my butt. They were being the douches that guys are.  I didn't really notice them. I just wanted to pass Grayson. I knew I was too. Today, we were going to be in the same class. Our first period.

I walked into the door when the bell rang. I found my seat next to Grayson. It was my assigned seat. I got my stuff ready for class. I could feel his stare at me. I smirked at just the thought. "Claire? Babe, is that you?"

"Yeah, douche it is me," I smiled.

"You look sexy today. What happened?"

"Nothing happened," I said innocently.

"Well, you look really hot. Are you ready to start our project," I flinched at that word.

I can't believe I forgot I have a project with this douche tard. For the rest of the year.

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