Best Mistake

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"Claire, we need to work on this project outside of school."

I know he was right, but I don't want to be anywhere alone with him. "You can't be more wrong."

"If you want to be Valedictorian, we are going to have to work outside of school," he retaliated.

"Fine," I gave in.

"Great. I'll meet you at my house around 6 okay?"

"Why does it have to be at your house. Not the library," I questioned.

"Because out of those two, I know where my house is."

Wow! This jerk. "Fine, I'll meet you at your house around 6:30. Your brother must be in the same room."

The bell rang, and I got my stuff then walked out. I am greeted again by hooting and hollering. Boys are such pigs. I walked past Grayson's locker to get to mine, what I saw was distribing. Grayson and Madison were sucking each others face off. I hid a tear away from everybody. No one noticed.

I got to my locker. Where Nate Garner was standing with Ethan and Alex Aiono.  I am surprised that Nate and Alex are talking to each other. Usually athletes like Nate and musicians like Alex, don't hang out with each other. To be honest, I thought musicians and athletes hated each other, but Nate and Alex were smiling.

Ethan saw me first, and walked over to me, "Hey, Thorny"

"Don't call me that. Why is the musician and athlete on my locker?"

"They have names. And they both want to talk to you," he said calmly.

I was about to walk over there, when I got an excruciating headache. My head felt like it was vibrating. I tried to walk over to them, but I just couldn't. They were two of each of them. I grabbed on to Ethan's arm to try and steady myself. I couldn't. I ended up falling on the ground, and blacking out.

I sat up abruptly. I was in a hospital bed. I looked around to see a shadow looking out the window. They looked nervous. I tried to talk, but my vocal chords weren't working. They noticed that I was awake, when they looked at me.

The person got up. When they got close to my bed, I was able to see who it was. It was Ethan. "Claire," he said. I knew he was worried, because he uses my real name when he is worried or serious.

"What happened," I managed to croak.

"The doctor said that you were dehydrated, so you passed out. But your fine, they said I could take you home when you wake up," he carefully said.

"Did I make a scene?" I don't like causing scenes, and he knows that.

He cracked a smile, "No you didn't. You passed out before anyone noticed. I took you here as soon as you did. I was really worried about you," his forehead was creased with worry.

He leaned over, and tenderly kissed my forehead. "Does my dad know about this?"

"No, he doesn't. I was going to tell him, when I took you home," he said.

"Ok. Let's get out of here," I jumped up only to be pushed back down, because of things in my arms.

"Let's call the nurse first," he said humorously.


"Ethan, why do I have to meet your brother still? It's been a long day," I whined

"You have to. You should be fine.

"I am not," I whined.

"Do you want to get a good grade?"

"Yes," I muttered.

"Then you are going," he said firmly.

He acted like my father. I take that back. My father would never force me to go somewhere I don't want to go. Ethan is like my parent. Even though he isn't.

"Let's go, Clay. To my house," he zoomed across the street.

I followed. I didn't want to but if I had just gone back inside, Ethan would have just dragged me over to his house. I followed Ethan upstairs into Grayson's room hesitantly.
One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks later, Grayson finally answered.

"What's up, babe. Let's get started."

"I'm not your babe," I said coldly. I brushed past him. "Let's get to work," I looked at Ethan, and he gave me a comforting head nod.
I am exhausted. We worked for a couple hours, then I went to workout. Ethan came along. He was a good workout buddy. We will probably workout together again.

When I was about to go to sleep, I got a text. It was from Grayson. I wanted to ignore it. But curiosity willed me to look at it.

Claire, I'm sorry for everything I put you through. Love does something to me though. It's like I always mess up because of it. Claire, I love you. I know I said I didn't, but I do. I really do. I love you beyond what I thought I did. This short time without you has been the worst time of my life. I guess what I am trying to say is, Claire will you take me back? Please. I need you.

I can believe he wants me back. I am so happy. My plan worked. Now everything can go back to normal. I am going to marry this man. I got up and screamed. I am so happy. I texted him back.

You don't know how long I have waited to here you say that. You know I still love you too. I guess that means my answer is, yes. But if you hurt me again, you are going to have to find someone else you got it?

He responded back. I understand. Boy am I happy. Can I come over? I need to see my baby. I can finally call you baby again.

I smiled at the phone. I couldn't stop smiling. I am so happy. The man of my dreams is taking me back. I was smiling ear to ear. I texted him back saying he could come over. He said he'll be over in five. I couldn't wait.

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