A Kidnapping

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I wish I could tell Claire everything. I'm afraid she will run away if I did though. All in good time. This girl is probably the best thing ever.


I woke up to someone stroking my cheek. It was soothing enough to just keep my eyes closed. I almost dozed back to sleep when the stroking stopped. I slowly opened my eyes when I heard soft snores. I looked beside me to see Ethan's hand on my arm. I looked over a little bit more to see he was asleep beside me. I yawned a bit before I hesitantly reached for his hand. Once I grabbed it, his hand twitched. I continued to move his hand, nonetheless. I set it down right beside us.

I got up and headed towards my window. I could feel a tug in my chest pulling me outside. Once I opened the window, I slowly climbed out into the small roof. I decided to lay down so that I could see the stars, so I did.

The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight. It is a huge full moon. The ones you would see in movies. The kind that you would hear wolves howling in the distance because of it. I always loved those parts of the movies. When the camera would cut to the moon and you could hear the wolves in the distance.

The wolves were so happy the moon was finally full again they wanted to celebrate. I could relate to them. I always loved when the moon was finally big. I would just want to sit and watch it all night. Sometimes I would wake up on the roof. I would fall asleep just sitting there watching the moon.


Tonight, I'm going to seize Claire. I don't have time to play games. I'm not going to let Ethan just keep her for himself. She is the most important asset for the war that I plan on winning.

I looked through one of her windows to see that Ethan is asleep on her bed. However, she is nowhere to be seen. I smiled to myself. She makes it to easy for me. I jumped to the top of the roof to see her resting on her usual spot.

I reached for her cheek. I slowly stroked it before I reached for the knockout pill. It keeps animals like her asleep for a few hours.

I slid my arms to cradle her neck and carried her bridal style. I quickly and silently jumped back down from her roof and into the night.

I'm sorry for the short part, but if I hadn't stopped here, I wouldn't be able to finish writing the next chapter in time. 

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