Shocking Discovery

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"Grayson, where are we," I asked probably looking very confused.

"Even though you have been here before, I'll tell you where we are," he took in a short breath. "This is the Sanctuary. It's where people like us train to fight. So we can protect ourselves."

I nodded. "Can I go home. Please," I am scared. Beyond scared.

He looked at me with sympathy, "Babe, it will be fine." He reached for my hand.

I yanked my hand away from him, "No, Grayson. It's not okay. I want to go home. Please take me home," I told him slightly raising my voice.

I clenched his jaw and balled his fist, "Fine, Claire. I'll let you have what you want. Let's go," he said through gritted teeth. He was definitely angry.

He walked straight back to the massive doors, and opened them easily. He walked straight to his car, and slammed his door shut. "Hurry up and get in," he said when I opened the door. "I've got places I have to go to," he pulled down his sunglasses.

I sat down cautiously in his car, then fastened my seatbelt. As soon as the car door shut, he sped away. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened ba-"

"I don't want to hear it," he cut me off. "Get out," he said harshly when we pulled up to my house.

I nodded my head as a tear escaped my eye. I slowly opened the door to the car door, "What's taking you so long. Get out of my car," he said furiously.

"Okay, Gray," I told him getting out. "I love you," I said shutting the door."

"Whatever," he said back. Pulling out of the driveway.


After I got out of the shower, Ethan came over. We put in a movie for us to watch too. About halfway though the movie, he paused the movie, and turned to me, "Claire, we need to talk," Ethan said.

I turned towards him noticing how serious he just got, "About what."

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time, bu-"

I cut him off, "Ethan, if you are trying to confess your love for me, forget it. I'm dating Grayson." He flinched.

"You didn't let me finish. And don't flatter yourself, cupcake," he said patting my head.

"Okay. Just continue on with your confession," I blushed.

"As I was saying, I've been meaning to tell you something. However, for reasons you don't need to know yet, someone has held me back from telling you," Ethan paused.

"Go on," I said a little to eager.

"Well, first things first, you are a werewolf," he said easily.

"Why are you lying? No I'm not. If I was, wouldn't I want to eat everyone," my eyes widened.

"We are alike. We are both werewolves. The reason Nate and Alex wanted to help, is because they are just like us. They want to help train you," he said ignoring my comment. "By the way, if you really don't believe me, then why don't you explain why you always want to go out all the time?"

"How come I don't have fangs?" I questioned him.

"Because you don't know you have them yet. Don't worry they will come out eventually."

"Show me your. Then I'll believe you," I crossed my arms.

He smiled and tapped his sharp canines. My eyes widened again, "See." I was to shocked to react.

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