Back to school

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I heard a strange sound. I wanted to ignore it, but it is just so persistent. I turned over form my slumber, and I looked at the source of the nuisance. My alarm clock. It's been two days since the incident. I haven't been to school since. I need to go back. I quickly turn it off.

I then called Ethan so he could pick me up. After about two rings, he picked up. "Claire. How you doing," he asked me.

"Listen, Ethan, I need a ride to school. Can you by any chance take me," I asked desperately.

I heard a sharp intake of breath from the other line, "why can't you call your precious boyfriend to take you," he asked back in a mocking tone.

"Because Ethan," I said starting to get impatient. "Plus, I want to spend time with my best friend."

I heard a sigh, "I'll be right over, Claire. Watch for me," I quickly said a thank you then proceeded to get ready.

After about 10 minutes, I was done. I decided I would sit on the couch until Ethan came over. With nothing but silence in my home, my mind started to wander. I continued to think about what had happened to my dad. What is going on? What made his eyes glow? Was he trying to prank me? Maybe he was pulling some sort of sick joke. Not even my dad, the king of pranks, would do that. Besides how could you get your eyes that bright yellow and bright. Not to mention that there were slit were there should be an oval.

"Clair? You ready to go?"

I jumped at his voice a little. I turned to see Ethan with wet hair staring down on me. His eyes seemed to be clouded today. "What's wrong with you today," Ethan questioned me.

"Nothing's wrong," I stood up, and brushed my shorts off. "You ready to go?"

He nodded then walked out to his car.


It was a long car ride to school this morning. It was really awkward. He didn't want to talk. When I tried to break the silence, Ethan would only give me a side look the nod. Only time he talked, was when we got to school. Even then, he told me that I still needed to talk to Nate and Alex. I nodded then walked to my first class before I would have to walk to them with him.

"Ms. Thornberry? Ms. Thornberry," I turn my attention to the front of the class. The whole class was looking at me expectantly.

"Yes Mrs. Di," I asked politely. I shook inwardly at the last part. Mrs. Di always made me want to die. Her name is the irony behind all of it. You see you say her name like die.

"What is the answer to my question," she asked putting her hand on her hip.

"Can you repeat the question," she looked at me.

"Of course," she smiled coldly.


"Can you take me home," I asked Ethan while I closed my locker.

"I was planning on it anyways," he shrugged then started to walk away.

I took that as my cue to follow. "Claire, we are going to stop by my locker first," he said forcefully.

"But Ethan. Grayson is waiting on me at my  house," I whined.

"It'll only take a second," he continued to walked.

He seemed to smile a bit bigger each step closer we got. By the time we got there, he had the biggest most goofiest smile ever. I realized why, when my eyes settled on who was in front of his locker. Alex Aiono and Nate Garner. I glared at him sideways. He just smirked in return.

"Clair, it's so nice to finally meet you," Alex spoke. I held my arm out to shake his hand. He dodged it, then hugged me. "Sorry, I'm a hugger," he smiled shyly and cutely.

Nate spoke up, "Claire, we didn't want to tell you this, but we really need to. I know it's weird to see us three together, but with time, you will understand why we all have came together." Nate smiled flashing his bright teeth. I looked back at Ethan for support. He smiled to make me feel better. "Also, we don't want you seeing your boyfriend anymore," he said nonchalantly.

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