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Hello! I was tagged for the millionth time! Yaaay! -_- XD But seriously, here we goes!

1) What's your favorite ship?

I'm...not even gonna answer that...it's so obvious X3

2) What do you wanna be when you grow up?

Either a YouTuber, or a Game Designer/Creator. I WANNA BE LIEK TOBY FOX! XD

3) How is life?

Meh, good I guess. I just feel stupid cuz I had no idea that Laurance just thought Aphmau was Zane...shoot. xD I THOUGHT HE WAS GOIN' CRAZY AND APH WAS GONNA KISS HIM AND DEN LAURMAU WOULD SAIL! 😭

4) Favorite Animal!

Cats! Though recently I had a weird dream with cats and now idk how to feel about them...*cough* And also wolves!

5) Favorite Song?

Currently it's I Wouldn't Mind by He Is We. It changes all the time, so X3

6) Favorite Singer or Band


7) If your hair could be any color, what would it be?

Meh I like it the way it is thanks. X3 Though I do want blond tips. That would look cool.

8) Favorite YOUTUBERS?


These are just mah faves. I like a LOT of YTbers.

9) Do you watch anime?

Hell yeah!

10) Do you play Minecraft?

Yas! My username is MajesticKittyCat! If you see me on a server, feel free to say hi! I don't bite X3

11) Have you ever been camping?


12) How much do you like Wattpad?

OVER NINE THOOUUSSSAAANNNDD! (if u got that reference, u get a cookie. No cheating :D)

13) What do you think of other Wattpaders?

They're awesome! I have a lot of other wattpader friends and I'll tag dem so u can check 'em out.

And here is who I tag:


ZGTLPS is my irl friend btw idk why I said dat but whateva X3 Oh she's probably reading this since I tagged her. Hi, Undyne! XD



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