Chapter 13//The Island

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<Play song>

It was late at night and I was steering the ship. Dark clouds filled the sky and that concerned me. But I decided to calm myself and continue steer the ship.

I suddenly felt a pare of hands grab my hips.

"Hey, beautiful~" It was Laurance.

"Gah! You scared me, Laurance!" I said.

"That was the point." He chuckled.

I giggled. "I'm glad I can spend time with you like this."

"Yeah, same. It's nice. But it would he nicer if it would just be me, you, and of course little Lilith."

I blushed and giggled. "Heh, yeah. At least we're alone right now." I smiled at him.

"Yeah...wanna make out?" He said with a smirk. I blushed.

"You little casanova. Fine." I leaned in until our lips touched. We made out.

But we were interrupted when a large boom was heard. We pulled away. It was thunder.

"Oh my Irene, why!?" I said. Lucinda and Katelyn climbed to the deck.

"It's storming! What do we do!?" Katelyn asked.

"Don't worry, leave this to me." Lucinda said.

She got out her staff wand thing and pointed it in the sky. A light shot out of it. It looked like she was struggling. 

"My magics aren't working! This must be a cursed sea." She said.

"A what!?" Me and Laurance asked at the same time.

Much more thunder formed and we were all starting to panic.

Next thing I know, I black out.


I woke up feeling soft sand underneath me. I sat up and coughed.

"Aph! You're okay!" Laurance yelled as he hugged me tight.

"W-What? What happened?" I asked.

"Lightning struck our boat which caused you to fly off the edge and into the water. I jumped after you to save you. Luckily there was an island near by. And if you're wondering, Katelyn and Lucinda are fine. I'm just glad you're safe." He said.

"I see. Well, thank you. So much." I hugged back. "Um, but where are we?"

"Some kind of island. Katelyn and Lucinda went out to see if anyone is living here." He explained.

"Oh, okay."

"In the meantime, maybe you should change clothes. Because right now they seem kinda...torn up." He blushed.

"Gah! Um, o-okay. I'm assuming our stuff survived then. I'll go and change."

•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

I was walking around in the forest, looking for people who could help us out. So far, not so good. But there is still hope! This island is pretty huge.

I heard the sound of leaves rustling. I turned toward a bush and held out my sword. 

"Who's there!? Come out now or taste my blade!" I shouted.

I was suddenly tackled from behind.

"Gah! Unhand me!" I screamed.

"Hold it right there, pirate! You aren't going anywhere!" It sound like a man.

"Hey, I am NOT a pirate nor would I ever be one! I was just stranded on an island with my friends!" I said.

"Your hot looks wont persuade me to believe you!" He yelled.

"What!?" I said. "I'm telling the truth! Do I LOOK like a pirate to you!?"

"Well, not really. You just look like a hot lady to me." I groaned.

"Get off of me!" I screamed.

"Only if you don't draw your sword." He said as he got off me. I stood up and quickly faced him. It was a guy my age with white hair and green eyes. Strange.

But to tell the truth, he was...cute in a way.

I mean, what?

"Wow, you look even hotter than before! What's your name?" He asked.

"Ill tell you when you tell me yours." I said.

"Okay, fine! My name is Travis Valkrum." He said.

"I'm Katelyn Firefist. My ship crashed on the island and I'm looking for someone who can help me. Are you the only one here?" I asked.

"Sadly, yes. I was stranded here when I was a teenager like you a while back. I've just been living on my own for a few years." He said.

"I see...well, can you help us out?" I asked.

"I'd do anything to help out a hot lady like you!" He yelled. I groaned.

"Whatever, Romeo." I said.

"The cursed sea must have forced you to this island..." He said.

"The cursed sea?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm not to sure on what it is. I just know that that's what brought my boat here." He said.

"Wait, if you've been stranded here for so long, then why haven't you just built a boat to get back to where you live?" I asked.

"The cursed seas won't let me leave. I've tried that option before. But there is one way to get back home." He said

"What's that?" I asked as I stepped closer. He smirked.

"You have to..." He began. My eyes were full of hope. "kiss me!"


I punched him.

"Ugh! What is wrong with you!?" I asked

"Gah! I was telling the truth! You have to kiss me to get back." He said.

"Are you serious!? Ugh! How does that even work!?" I asked.

"Uhhhhh...." He began.

"Well!?" I screamed.

"Look, can we just kiss!? I haven't seen a hot lady like you in a long time, okay!?" 

I punched him again.



"Ugh! Just follow me, I'll show you to where we crashed."

TRAVLYN! YAY! XD Read ma Travlyn book! (It's way better written than this xD)


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