A/N to all my fans ♥

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I know, I already made an A/N about hitting 2k followers but this is different. It would be absolutely amazing if you guys could read this whole thing but if you don't, I understand. I don't want to make you read it.

So...I just want to thank you all soooo much. Every single one of you! I know that I say this a lot but I really do mean it and I hope that you guys know that I care about you so much! You guys are the reason to why I have 2k followers and why I keep on writing. I never knew I would be able to make so many people happy. I mean, I'm just a dumb socially awkward 12 year old that writes fanfiction on wattpad! So how can someone like me be so special to you? I think I've had two or three fans say that I helped them through depression and stuff and...it just blows me away how someone like me can actually do that. To be honest, I'm legit crying right now. CRYING! And I normally never cry about this stuff. I wish I could just reach through the screen and give you all a hug right now. I know we'll probably never meet but I want to because you guys are so amazing to me!

I honestly don't care if we don't exactly get along on stuff but I still love you all! I don't care what you ship or anything I still love you! No matter what. You, person reading right now, I care about you! I hope you believe me! I do! And I am so happy that you like the stuff I do. Thank you.

Okay, so sorry for pulling your heartstrings there! I really did mean all of it though. Even the crying part! I'm still crying!

I love you guys and I hope that you all know that! 😊


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