Chapter 6- A Day with the Troublemaker

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Seul Bi's P.O.V.


"Did you bring your books?" Miju asked, turning herself around since her seat's in front of mine.

"Yeah, I did. In fact, I brought all of them." I told her, showing my super stuffed bag.

"What? Why?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

"Oh you know, maybe it's because I kinda lost the timetable." I scratched my head. Hey, people make mistakes, it happens.

"You lost your copy?! If I had known, I would've let you photocopy mine!" she said as she was about to run off, maybe to go photocopy her timetable but I stopped her of course.

"Miju-yah, it's fine. Alright?" I reached for her and made her sit back down. I can just do it later myself since it's my responsibility that I lost it.

"But still-" she tried but no, I have to take action on it myself.

"Time for lessons to start! Mind telling me what subject this is." I changed the topic, I want her to stop worrying over my lost timetable now.

"We've got science now." she informed me, smiling as she showed my which book.

"Oh ok thanks." I thanked her and took mine out, cleanly placed it on my very spacious desk. So much for a rich school, I would've thought we'd have iPads or MacBooks as textbooks or something.

"Everyone to your seats, textbooks please." Ms.Kim announced. Hmm?

"Ms.Kim is also our science teacher?" I questioned, usually in my old school, it's different teachers for different subjects.

"What do you mean? She teaches all of our subjects." Miju remarked, now facing front.

"That's possible? You guys don't switch teachers every subject?" I asked since I'm just fascinated to know that a school actually does that.

"No, why would you do that? It's much more of a hassle." she scoffed, finding it rather funny. Right, she's rich, she doesn't go to rural schools.

As the lesson was about to begin, everyone took out their textbooks and by my surprise, everyone took out other gadgets too. Not only did they take out their unused textbooks but all of them brought out all these laptops and tablets and such.

"Student-Bae Seul Bi, do you not have a laptop to jot notes down with?" Ms.Kim spotted me without an electronic device and asked as everyone's attention came to me.

"Uhh, can't I just write it on paper?" I asked and I think, to them, was the stupidest question ever.

"Ew, so old-fashioned." HyunYoung hurled in disgust, pointing her finger in her mouth and made this gagging sound.

"There's a clear difference between our kind and hers." Jaekyung low-key insulted me and everyone from my village. I think she just thinks of me as garbage that doesn't belong here.

"Now guys be nice! You know how terrifying first days are." Ms.Kim told the rest of the class and everyone paid attention to her again. But you know what saddens me, it's the fact that she didn't even disagree when Jaekyung said that there's a clear difference between their kind and ours.

"Sure you can Seul Bi-ah." she allowed me and so, I grabbed a loose paper from my bag and held my pen.

"If only I sit next to you, then we can share mine." Miju whispered as she turned her head.

"Thanks anyway Miju-yah." still, I thanked her. She's always been so kind, there's nothing wrong with thanking for that.

"So let's start by reading pages-" Ms.Kim started but seconds later, someone interrupts her.

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