Chapter 9- Secrets Revealed

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Seul Bi's P.O.V


"Wake up sleepyhead!" I heard Miju yell and I instantly woke up.

"I'm up!! I'm up." I repeated, sitting up.

"Well that was fast, good on you for waking up straightaway." Miju clapped, how can she be so active even in the morning, I'm always so drowsy.

"Yeah well, I don't plan on being late anymore after what's happened yesterday." I told her which is true, no more skipping classes today please.

"That's a great plan! Go wash up, breakfast's downstairs." she ordered, dragging me out of my bed.

"Breakfast?" I asked upon realizing the 'b' word.

"Yeah, every morning we have a brunch downstairs at the café. I tried waking you up yesterday but you just didn't want to wake up no matter what." I can tell Miju really tried her best yesterday, sorry for the trouble Miju-yah.

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm definitely getting the breakfast today." that's the spirit Bae Seul Bi! Anything for good food.

I walked over to the toilet and thoroughly showered, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wore some comfortable clothes to go down with, not gonna torture my body so early in the morning. When I say comfortable, I mean baggy and loose clothing.

After I was done changing, Miju also was done changing and wore an oversized sweater with shorts. Which I, wore a loose T-shirt and baggy pants.

"Let's go." Miju said after both of us were ready and slipped out cute animal slippers on and went downstairs. Again, I'm gonna thank the elevator.

Oh and if you're curious, my slipper was this cute bunny, Miju got them for me along with hers, she got the brown bear which really resembles her.

So we reached the café of the school, not the cafeteria, they actually have their own café here.

"Wow! So much food to choose from, how do you choose?!" I exclaimed, I was surprised in a good way. I'm sure my belly was happy as well.

"Just choose any that you want!" Miju smiled and led us over to the plate station and got out plates, as well as this fork which only had two pointy thingies.

I never skip the eggs on my breakfast so that's what I got first, along with toast, sausages, cooked beans and to top it off, cake. I would've gotten the cereal here as well but I just feel like I should get that tomorrow since it's always there.

"Wow, make sure you finish all that." Miju laughed seeing that both my hands were each holding a plate, unlike everyone else who only had one. I guess I'm still not 'proper' enough. The cake was on a separate plate, that's why I had two but it looks like people only get small portions of food. I'll note that down then.

So we reached the end of the long table which held all the food and that was where we would get our drinks and juices from. Since both my hands were full, of course I had to let go of one of my plates and filled a cup with orange juice. But then, I didn't think enough so I couldn't bring my other plate. I know I'm being lazy but I don't want to go back and forth for it, it's a lazy morning don't judge me. I'm not used to waking up super early like this.

"Need a hand?" my Prince Charming showed up and saved my day. He grabbed the plate that I put down and brought it for me. How nice of him.

"Quite a lot on a plate for a girl." Minghao looked over at my plates but instead of giving me a judging look, he gave me this smile showing that he was somewhat amused and interested.

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