Chapter 8- Sparks Flying

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Seul Bi's P.O.V


"Seul Bi-yah, you alright?"

It was after lunch, whilst Miju and I were eating, Seungcheol just stood by the cafeteria's door and waited for us. Must've been tiring just standing there, hope he's fine but he really didn't have to anyway I mean, he could've just asked after we get to class.

"Yeah, don't worry, it was nothing. I just tripped, that's all." I told him, not wanting him to go worrying over me or anything. Well, not like he would. Now I just sound so full of myself.

"Are you sure you didn't scratch your knee or anything?" he continued to ask, examining me hand, my elbow and basically my entire arm.

"Seungcheol-ah, I'm fine! I told you not to worry." I held my hands up in defence, just stop touching me already.

"How am I not supposed to worry?! All you do is get yourself into trouble and you don't even try fight back. Start speaking up for yourself!" he raised his tone up so high, it shocked me.

"Why are you getting angry at me?" I asked, having that 'unsure' face on, maybe also terrified a bit.

"What would happen if I wasn't there? She could've slapped you like she was going to the last time!" he's still yelling, why does he have to yell?! He can just say that to me in a calm voice.

"But you were there weren't you! Stop shouting at me!" I too then sorta, bursted my bubble.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... I don't want you to be bullied around like that anymore." he calmed himself and lowered his tone. See, that's better. No one had to shout, I'm not deaf.

"That's why I have you." I indicated.

"What?" he looked and sounded taken aback.

"Doesn't that make you feel more important? I mean, if I were able to protect myself 24/7, what's the use of needing you?" smooth-talking there Bae Seul Bi, just what in the world came out of your mouth just a few seconds ago.

"You need me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I do." Seul Bi stop taking! But boy, did that sound like I'm using him or something.

"Well, you do have a point there. But still, don't just back down every single time. You have to stand up for yourself when needed." he added, advising me with a stern look.

"Got it boss!" I jokingly saluted.

"Ok, I'll go now. See ya later newbie." he left off, with a new found smile on his face. Huh, he should smile more often.

"Well that was weird." I commented, taking my focus on the food. As I said earlier, rich school equals rich food, every dish is so flavourful.

"I see sparks flying around~" Miju began to tease with that cheeky face of hers.

"Funny. Let's just get to class now shall we?" I shifted the topic, didn't want her to get further on that talk. I hurriedly grabbed my tray so Miju will trail along behind me.

"Yes we shall!" she hastily cheered and speed-walked, placing our trays on the designed area so it can be washed.

"Lesson's about to start soon right?" I asked.

"Mhmm." she mumbled and linked our arms together again. We're only going to class Miju-yah, but there's nothing I can about your sunny personality.

So we both walked ourselves to class and sat on our seats, without a second to spare the school bell rang. Hence, lessons begin.


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