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I was walking down the street at night on my way from my club the Del La Luna since it's a non drinking club and for any age people always come even the gods and we play poker in the back with my gang the Del La Luna since they are demigods but the gods don't know that they just think that they are use too odd things happening around the club. I was in my skin tight leather jumpsuit i use for my bike and my leather jacket and my high heels heading too my bike when someone tackles me before i could get hit with an arrow from the wolf tribe when i look over to where the thing that tackled me now stood i saw it was Rico i smile. Rico is my shape shifting friend that's still a wolf all the time since every time he shifts he always has wolf eyes i try to get him to change too human but apparently he's just a non human shifter i stand up and i nod a thank you as my outfit changes too silver armor and a mask my silver hair in a tight braid and i have an arrow in my hand that will always hit my mark a gift from Artemis and i let loose a n arrow and it hit my target tasering the shooter and i whistled for big Al a cyclops who is my tough door man and part time cook and helps keeps the drunks out and make sure no one is bringing in alcohol and other goods and he helps with the guys who try to attack me and my gang and those the gang stops from doing things that is illegal so he comes over and picks up the guy and takes him too the back of the club where we play poker with the gods and my gang hangs out at.

When Big Al gets back at his post i'm in my mustang and in jeans and a corset and cowboy boots with a stetson on heading home with Rico in the back of my Shelby mustang like the Shelby mustang from gone in 60 seconds with Angelina Jolie and Nicolas cage minus Jolie and cage and the cops chasing me. When i arrived home my brother is not there nor is his car i sigh because i was tired of having the house to myself since everyone was busy on a mission or trying too find out when the wolf tribe is going to attack Half Blood high and my brother is in Paris with a girl he will never talk about and all i have too talk too is a wolf shifter who is gone half of the time and only comes to my house when ever he wants food or is tired or has an arrow in his side and needs medical help or when he wants to come over so i'm usually stuck with the TV baking and fixing my cars and making weapons and checking on my people or sometimes get a visit from a god or i'm in the barn checking on my horses and other animals. I go inside and fix supper which is steak mash potatoes gravy and green beans with steak rolls and for dessert chocolate cake with strawberries dipped in chocolate since it is my birth day and no one remembered so i eat by myself since Rico disappeared and no one is here but me and my animals and my TV so i pull up my surveillance cameras and watch people doing stupid stuff and i fall asleep with cake in my lap and a dagger beside me hidden along with a six shooter gun.

I woke up too someone moving around quietly near me and lifting the cake plate off my lap i suddenly sprung up and pick up my six shooter and pin the person too the couch and wave my free hand and the cake plate suddenly appears on the coffee table beside me and when i looked at the intruder i see its a guy around eighteen with tanned skin and black hair that is so black you couldn't see his hair of the black couch i had pinned him to . The man was relaxed and stare straight into my eyes with his wolf eyes i heard him curse under his breath saying something about having to explain something to me or something i couldn't understand it i was too busy trying too see how he got in i couldn't find an place where he could have gotten in so i asked him "how in the world did you get in my house?" he shrugged and then winced when i pressed the dagger's blade too his throat and pricked him but other than that he was calm and relaxed "i could explain why and how i got in here and who i am if you let me up lunie" i was surprised that he knew my name he laughed and i jumped off of him and sat in the recliner which was black fabric like the couch while the walls were a baby blue and everything in the room was black blue and white. the man got up and leaned against the doorway and began speaking "my name is Ricardo i'm an outcast in my family and cursed by my mother for warning the enemy of the attack she planned when my sister was five i was eight at the time and trying to protect her i'm a black my mother is the chief of the wolf tribe and my sister doesn't remember me for our other gave her something that would take away her memories of me and that was a long time ago too then i found out my mother was going to go after you and your brother because of a prophecy and so i made sure she couldn't get to you and your brother and i have been protecting you while checking on my sister" i knew he told the truth and so i asked "how did you get in here all the doors even the doggie doors and windows automatically lock when everyone is in one room and the windows and everything can't break and no magic used outside of the house can't come in" he smiled and winced like i caught him and he wasn't wanting to tell how he got in "you can tell me while i get some more cake and fix some cocoa and i'll cook the rest of the steak and reheat the potatoes and gravy if you're hungry" and as if on cue his stomach growled and we laughed and he blushed "yeah i guess that i am pretty hungry last i ate was cinnamon rolls from grams bakery this morning" I laugh and lead the way to the kitchen which was any baker and chefs dream.

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now