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I waved the sword out of rico's chest and tore my long skirt just enough to help stop the bleeding i was yelling and crying and everyone came too my side too help aid rico but i didn't notice i heard someone yelling i learned later it was me yelling "rico come on wake up rico rico wake up someone beastly wake up oh gods rioc wake up please i love you don't die on me rico rico please wake up you stupid shifter wake up come on rico please rico you owe me for forgetting my birthday come on rico" i was sobbing and tears were coming down like bullets from a gun. I started to sing a song my mother once sung to me "blackbird singing in the dead up night take these broken wings and learn to fly you've been waiting for this moment to arise all your life blackbird fly" i sung with my head on ricos chest and my ear over his heart with my eyes closed still crying but not as much i felt my father's and my brothers hands on my back and shoulders and i knew they spoke but i didn't hear them only the faint whisper of rico's heart beating and i felt numb inside i still sang but different songs mostly The Beatles songs like the first one i sang They made me get off of rico so they can help him but i knew they couldn't heal him no matter what they did so i locked myself in my room and didn't come out na di wore black and my walls were now black and i stayed in my pjs only time i came down was too get food and sit by ricos bed as he slowly died.

A week later i sat by ricos bed and wearing his leather jacket and his t shirt asleep when all of the sudden there was a blinding light that woke me and the light was surrounding rico i saw a woman who looked like rico and wolfies mother and she had her hands in rico's wound i sat up pulling out dagger but i never spoke i watched i saw that rico's heart beat was stronger and his breathing was even and i knew that he was healed since the bandage was now gone so that he was now bare chested in sweat pants with angry bird socks the lady turned in towards me and the light died and when she looked at me and smiled i realized that it was rico's mother and i saw no more demon in her so i knew that we had killed the demon since right after rico got stabbed. 

I hadn't realized that as i was yelling at him to wake up i had woken up a forgotten power that belonged to my family who was like me and my mother we had the power to rid people of demons and we thought she had died since we had found a charred body where she had been and we couldn't even tell if she was black or white or even what she was wearing there was melted metal and burnt flesh it had made me sick and danny comforted wolfie even though she could hide her emotions well and block them she ended up sobbing into his arms and his chest while same held my hair as i picked and dry heaved at the sight of the body "we thought you were dead marisa we found.." she raised a hand to stop me "you found the demon's body not mine i had came here to lift the curse but it seemed it lifted when the demon was killed so i helped heal him faster thank you for bringing my family back together and for killing the demon i have a lot too thank you for but right now i think i will go back to my tribe and make amends with my people since the demon hadn't let me shift as i would have liked too i think it's time to go for a run good night lunie i will see you in the morning to make peace" then she left and i drifted back to sleep after i scooted my chair closer too rico. I woke to something moving under my head and i heard whispers and i felt someone grab the hand i had the dagger in and i jolted up with the dagger out ready to fight and i looked around i saw rico's mother, wolfie and my brothers then i looked at the hospital bed and looked into carribean blue with gold specks in them i jumped back since someone touched my shoulder i looked around and asked "why are you staring at me like i have a raccoon on my head and i slapped and old lady instead of helping her cross the street" the i looked at the bed beside me and i had to do a double take i looked at rico from head to toe and stared and he laughed then i realized that i had a upid looked on my face and my mouth was hanging open i closed it "what happened to your eyes they're blue like wolfies and not wolf like" that made him laugh even harder and my brothers and their women and wolfies mother "well the curse had been lifted and i can still transform into animals but now i can go anywhere without having to be within a hundred miles of you and your properties no offence wolfie but if you had gone onto another dress shop way in the back and i had to hide in the shadows listening to women talk lace one more time i was going to kill myself" that made us all laugh.

We all soon went into the dining room too eat breakfast and found the gods in the dining room with everyone else so i waved everyone outside to the pit with the food and table and when lord Zeus tried to sit at the head of the table i moved him too beside his wife and i took my seat and we ate. After breakfast we opened presents since it was christmas rico gave me a promise ring and a kiss under the mistletoe and wolfie got a kiss and a knife set from danny and a promise ring and after i glared at rico for letting my brother show him up and he glared at my brother he just laughed unfazed and sam gave emma a dog, a sword se can set in fire and not have it melt, and a promise ring and that earned rico another glare from me and sent my brothers laughing and there girls laughing too and rico just tuned too a wolf and laid down by the fireplace and gared at everyone. Soon we all ad our presents opened and we were saying by too everyone who was leaving to go home or had somewhere to be and the students and chiron left and the gods left and most of my gang left only me and my brothers and three girls and rico was left. 

Rico dragged me too the barn and made me close my eyes as e lead my into the hay loft "okay now you can open them lunie" i did and i was facing a door that blended in with the wall and rico smiled and opened it and i saw my room and it looked brand new and everything was clean and there was everything i wanted to do too the room before i had my rooms in the house and before the cyclops attack i started to cry and rico held me close "if you don't like it i can redo it too where you like it" i shook my head and looked at him and wiped away some of my tears "no don't re do it i love it it's just that no one has ever done something like this for me they always think i want to forget the past or just want to remember it when i need too or have too they don't think that i want to remember it every day so i don't make the same mistakes and choices that hurt everyone but they don't get that i'm a leader and i have to carry the mistakes over my head so i don't make them again and i have to do it alone" he looked at me and shook his head and hugged me close and kissed my forehead "sweetheart you don't have to carry all that weight on your shoulders we all have to carry it on all of our shoulders whether or not we made them or they were other people's choices lunie your strong but no one's that strong not even the gods you act like you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders but you don't it's you trying to punish yourself and not let anyone else take the blame lunie i love you i never want you too have too put a mask on every day just too face the world we live in honey you are never alone don't push people away when we want to help you so don't run away just tell us what's the matter me and your brothers also your mother will always be there for you and big al heck you're like a daughter too him he would go through tartarus and the river of styx for you just so you would be happy and free and safe from any dangers honey he would take on the weight of the world if that would help you so don't act like your alone in this where are in this together one for all and all for one what about it lunie" i laughed "it is pretty stupid too hide isn't it mr. hiding in the shadows at the dress shop and more lace talk" that earned me a growl from him adn i laughed as he pulled me closer an dmade me face him his eyes had gone wolf as i laughed "well maby i should get a new boyfriend who isnt too sweet and is a bad boy" he glared at me "you wouldnt" i smiled "try me ricardo black" he kissed me and i laughed agianst his mouth and he broke away and mumbled "i would kill them before they broke your heart an dif you do go running off with a bad boy it better be me or you will be in trouble missy" we laughed and we layed on the bed and watched a movie and went through photo albumes and boxes of things i had kept and watched videos of my child hood and events that i forgot about.

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now