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I heard a woman whrisper in my ear "your need too catch the black moon before our line cames too an end his evil this way you can get your friend back lunie grab my hand an di will lead you too your friends for its not your time yet" i opend my eyes and i saw a woman i knew too be artemises daughter. SHe held out her hand an i tookk it as my eyes drifter cloose and i herd some one scream out in paipn and yell my name, Rico. I iwoke up on a base with flowers tht where like my hair and where my favorit flower crocuses they grew with the moss over the bawse adn i saw rico in the water knocked out and in pain and other where asleep even the gods i ran too rico adn turned him over i saw burns that seemd too be whip lashes and he was bleeding so i ripped open his shirt and say that someone had taken i dagger and wrote accross his chest.

I'm coming for you silver hair

I took a picture of it and began hearing rico after getting him too shore even though the water heald the burns and was starting to heal the carved words on his chest. When i was done with rico i placed my hands out and my magic and everyone woke i had my sword out by my side and was leaning against it for support for my leg was giving me trouble i was swormed by everyone once they had woken up and relised where they where an what happened i told them about rico and what had happened too me and i told them about the message carved into ricos chest. When i was done they looked at me and gramother asked "was there anyone who called you silver hair when you were little or who died a while ago" i rubbed my wounded leg as flash backs started of happy days before we lost people in t gang of the same day as the cyclops attacks on the O'Haras adn del la luna since they where on the same day. I was shaken out of my trip through memorie lane when Nicolas touched my shoulder "unie are you okay?" i had relized that i had been quiet and gone pale for a while now i nodded adn ym family studied my leg where i had my hand on it and bobbys kid lanie spoke 'what happened too your leg?" people staird at her a i looked at my sword "The day we saved the O'Heras from a cyclopes attack my people wehre being attacked we where just starting out my bestest friend jason blackclaw he was also known as raven he was indian not like the blacks but he was also son of athena and the chief his people where old indian you could tell by the way he spoke some times he called me silver hair well i was at the o'haras and he was at the camp we had i shatterd my leg trying too get my weapon the same day i relized i could summon my weapons but it was too late my leg was wounded and i was half way dead rico and my brothers killed the cyclpoes anad we had just gatten word that the camp was under attack and i was transported too the pit for help nad i thought raven was in battle he was one of my best worriors and when i came too danny told me that we ad lost six of my friends they were all dead and raven was one of them i even saw his body well what was left since the cyclopses had hyda spit bombs and so his body was in bad shape so was all the dead and the wounded" i looked around at everyone with tears in my eyes "I hid behind a mask too not let people know that i blamed my self an di was hurting from the choicese i made i visit his father every year on every holiday and ravens birthday i send money and gifts too his sisters one just gotten into high school and one just gotten her first boyfriend and the twins are going middle school his stepmothers dead and the twins jusst gotten into the spelling bee raven would never hurt me or try he couldntn even scratch me a little bit because i was ike a sister too him he always had requist too kill me no matter how much money he was offerd he wold never tke it" i was crying now and my uncles nda brothers huged me and rico held me as i cried and soon everyone the group hug.

The woman who lived here was named willow adn she was a nyiamph who had protected this place for years since the first one of my family artemises ddaughter too protect the house and the healing place of every third child and it was also why many of the third children ghost are not in the underworld because the willow sevives from the ghosts. i changed into a t shirt and cargo pants and started too loud my weapons into their places and pull on my combat boots and my cargo jacket i got from a navy seal teram for helping them fight i out my armpit holster i like too call it an dput my wayde gun in the holster around my waist an dput the matching gun in the other one i put on a brace too make shre my leg doesnt give out in a fight and that i could still use it i put on sword on my backk adn i started too get staird at by m family who didnt know i had so many weopons and who just now noticed i was still putting them up frm where i took them out of my dress i just ignored them and kept my hair down as we got ready for a fight just in case we get ambushed while in the woods i had made those who couldnot fight go too the party by waving my hand and they vanished too Del la luna masion too go home and get protection from my people.

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now