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I followed Lunie too the barn and i watched her go through a door that was camouflaged in to the wood i followed her after shifting too a mouse and i switched too a cat when i entered and hid under an old desk my guess was that she slept here when there was trouble or when her brother would vanish. I watched her as she kneeled by the bed and bend down and look under the bed i saw her pull out a old wooden box her brother had made her and she sat on the bed and began looking through the box she began too cry and i couldn't hep but come out of hiding and jump up on to  the bed and sit next too her and shift into human form an hold her in my arms as she pulled out pictures of happier times and when most of her friends where alive since some had died when a hellhound attacked the camp base before it was the clubs an the house "sweetie its okay stop crying i know you just wanted too look at the pictures and see what you had out in the box but sweetie that is just hurting you more why don't we put the things back in the box and go back too the house and get ready for the anniversary of them and you can do your magic to do something with those pictures okay" i felt her nod and i herd her sniff "it just hurts in why the fates chase them too die that day n matter how much i had healed them that day they still died and it hurts m too know that my efforts were for nothing they died a painful death because i wasn't there like the hellhound's thought I was and they died because of me and i could have saved them" I held her as she busted into sobs and more tears we stayed like that until she fell asleep after packing up the items into the box and she held it close them i shadowed traveled to her room and laid her down and i went to the kitchen and started to cook since it was almost time for breakfast and i washed the dishes and as i cooked her brothers came down and were surprised to find me cooking until i told them about lunie and finding a box filled with pictures and other things from the past and soon they were helping me and Alex came down and helped and soon we had everything done in time for breakfast and everyone was awake and down stairs but lunie so i made her a pate of food which was chocolate Oreo pancakes fruit and cinnamon rolls and chocolate stripe since there was no room for the eggs bacon biscuits and hash brown's also cereal and toast.

I listened for movement at her door when i only heard her every move i opened it and set her food down on a table she likes to do projects on and i went to her sleeping form and climbed into the bed with her and began massaging her back so this way i could make her relax before i tickle her once i hit her tickle spot she squealed and fell wide awake onto the floor laughing as i get off the bed smiling "good morning sleepyhead it's time to eat and your plate is on your table and if you want to eat downstairs them come on and grab your plate i'm hungry and i worked hard this morning making the food" she laughed as i helped her too her feet and she grabbed her plate and i began talking to the door until i wrap my arms around her and said "hold on too the tray wouldn't want the food too drop" and we shadowed traveled into the dining room with lunie still in her tank top and crop T shirt and superman pj pants all of her outfit was superman today she even had on her superman baseball cap and slippers on and it was the first time that anyone but the ones that known her for a long time seen her without makeup or in silver clothes so they were shocked and stared at her as she sat down and began to eat and stopped looking when she pulled out a knife on the table and never looked up or stopped eating but they knew too stop staring at her. 

I sat at the table and heard someone at the end of the table talk it was an Aphrodite daughter "someone now i think those two are playing us and that Silvia chick is lying about being related too many demigods even ones i never heard of and i mean come on that cute guy Rico he isn't part of that beast tribe otherwise he wouldn't shift into all those animals" the people she was talking too ignored her even her own siblings "you shouldn't speak about someone unless it's too there face" i growled "you want to know how i am able to change into any animal and monster i want is because i challenged my mother who hated me and my sister and took my sisters memories from her and plus my father is a god i was always able to shift into a horse and wolf because of Who my parents are and my mother put a curse on me too where i have eyes of a wolf too remind me more every day that i can't help my sister or couldn't save her from my mother's raft o next time you want to talk think about what you say daughter of Aphrodite I do have the hearing of a wolf and it's ten times better than yours" the girl paled and lunie spoke "Rico who all did she talk about?" i smiled at her "you saying you couldn't be related to all those demigods that she never heard of before and me cute guy Rico as she says not being part of the wolf tribe and saying we were lying about me being able to shift into animals and any creature that it's all a show" that made everyone stop eating and Silvia stood "well i guess since we need to settle about how i hate lying and would never lie about who I am we need to take this too the pit and have some fun since it's time for lessons wit big Al" everyone who knew her where smiling and those who didn't were pale and Chiron was smiling since we all knew she was going to show off but the others Chiron teaches.

Soon we all were in the pit which is a stadium underground where we train and fight and every one was seated and me lunie older brothers were standing with Chiron and a cyclops named Big Al since he was around the size of a human since he ask lunie to do that since he didn't like too be stared at and he could have two eyes instead of one if he felt like it and other than that you could tell he was a cyclops but he's relay smart and has lived for a thousand years since he was the first cyclops in the world and he acted like it too. Lunie was the first to speak "welcome those of you who are Chiron's students and welcome to the pits the people too my right are Danny and Big Al you will see why he is called big Al in a moment and of course you know Chiron beside him is Rico and Sammy we are here today because of the attacks on both of our groups by the wolf tribe which yes Rico use too be apart of before he was banished and cursed by his people and he also belongs to my group since he is a demigod and because he is my friend you are at the pits because we are going to train you to fight my people will be helping you get fitted for armor that can withstand the wolves and protect you from getting impaled by weapons you all are getting new armor because when a group of my friends were in this spot above we were attacked by the wolves and this was before the Del La Luna headquarters were the clubs and my house we had a base here in the woods they were attacked by cyclops and big Al was there for he knew of the plan and wanted to save my people but he was too late for my friends but the ones i was not very close too that is why i want to give you new armor and weapons but if you are not against the wolf chief and are spying the armor will tell me and any devices but my tech will not work you see the walls are lined with something you will never find out what and that stops you devises also because i don't like distractions from tech only if its mine" a ruckus from the students started until big Al spoke "quiet you lazy scoundrels i might seem tamed but i am not even Silvia can't control me when i'm angry and the reason why i am in charge of training is because i have been alive for more than a century and the reason is well why don't i show y'all" he spoke with an Irish accent for he lived in Ireland all his childhood and before he came to america he began to grow and his eyes changed to one and soon he was his original height they were all shocked but the gang and Chiron.

Soon big Al was in his human form and and the older members of the gang was now dividing the students into groups since we were going to switch around lunie began to speak after everyone was settled and the older members were assigned to the groups "Rico will be teaching hunting Sam will be doing the courses Chiron targets Big Al moves for anything sharp Danny speed and agility and I will be doing hand to hand combat so there is a locker room for the the groups where your leaders are let the gods have mercy on you form we won't" i shot lunie a look as she spoke but i kept my face straight at the kids faces well this is going to be a long day i thought as i lead my group too their locker room.

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now