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 I was suddenly standing on top of the steps since the room was filled with demigods and gods i noticed some walking around talking i fired a starting pistol in the air and everyone looked around too see who had done it untill they saw me standing on top of the stairs i smiled "welcome too del la luna mansion if you d not reconize me i am silvia wayde adn the leader nof the del la luna daughter of apolo and diana wayde i hope yall are havng a good time and no putting acholole in the punch like what someone did last christmas party" i looked at dianosis and he drank his wine in one gulp and seemed too pale i went on "as you know we never really been too talkative about one reason why we have all kinds of partys but its too remember the ones we lost the ones we gian and too celabrate life nd today its too ceebrat victory, annaversorie of Del La Luna, and too remember that its time too begin a new year and with a new year omes new memories people had whrisperd about me being too prepy and cold hearted but i wasnt i carried everything on my shoulders adn tried too make sure i dont make the some mistakes like i had befroe on a happy note i am proud too annouce that today is the 10th anaversery of the Del La Luna" everyone sheerd adn claped "now i'm sure the mayor you like too talk before he makes a huge mistake and take my swords on the mantle of the fireplace that are original and where given too me by ares and i dont think you want too cross him or me" i smiled sweetly as everyone turned too lok at the mayor who was trying too hide the samiri swords behind his back when two of my men got them back and was leading the mayor over too where i stood i noticed a man moving too where you couldnt see him he wore a mask and i noticed he had a sword on his hip and was heading over too where he could easly attack the mayor i caught ricos eye since he was leading the mayor and mouthed heading your way i'm going too stop him he nodded and my danny who was behind the mayor did it too where you couldn't see the mayor well you could but not where he was actully it seemed he was still being lead too me as i suddenly disapeard and apread behind the man.

I had my sword out and i spoke "i guess you didnt get the memo we dont have mask at this party and your not del la luna so you shoudnt have your sword ut too where i gir like me can see it" he twriled around and faced me as he brought up his weapon only too have the tip of my sword be at his throat "hi ua next time dont be so obveiose and make sure its not where del la luna is aorund" my country accent came out with the anger in my eyes and everyone now was facing too whre i was at and everyone looked surprised as the fke mayor disseaperd adn the real one was by the fire again this time looking shocked at me since i saw my arm was in casted in silverlight and i knew that ll of me was cover in it and my dress changed too the silver rider that 'haunted' the woods and i waved my other hand and the mask was away and his bright blue eyes were blank and his dark black hair shaggy he had a scar from his face from his hairline too his eyebrows i smiled "well i don't see why you need a mask you're what my mother would call gorgeous but i don't call older men that and since my kind of men is well special and my age" i smiled and i had a mask covering my face "why you here mister is you don't speak i might have to have get you into the interrogation room while everyone is having a grand time" he spoke his voice sounding scratchy and rough from lack of use and from smoke damage "put your sword down girl you don't know who i am and you don't want to mess with me" i smiled "i kind of do since you just threatened me and a guy with smoke damage in his lungs certainly should know that and who i am since you don't seem to hear since i know you can't you can just read lips really well you wouldn't but i'll spell it out this is my house this is my party i am silvia and the leader of del la luna i'm the daughter of apollo and Diana Wade" he looked shocked but i could tell he knew my mother and that he was my missing uncle.

"well you know how many times my mother would say and still does "that fire messed up my daughters brian shouldn't have left her home with him otherwise he would be alive and my daughter wouldn't have been so weird and seem like shes dumb but i don't care what my mother says i just know that when my mother said that she must have meant my uncles baby brother nicholas wade" he seemed shocked that i was talking so freely i laughed "i'm froze those i dont trust and ones not apart of my family and the gads and my gang oh and by the way how is you hearing it should work fine now since i just healed it while you stared shocked at me" he looked around and asked "how did you heal when your not even touching me" i laughed "i am you just didnt know it" i had a hand touching his hand he looked shocked since i also heald his nerves and his lungs i also had a handfull of matal lodged in his skin i moved my hand and held up the metal "not so lucky where you" the metal melted in my hand and created bullets then a dagger he still looked shocked "well i never seen any one do that before" i laughed "well i'm the thrid child of a third child who mother is third child of a third child and so on my family has alot of those its the reason for the silver hair my mother had black hair so i have silver for every fifty year or so theres a child like my first ancestore now i will repeat what are you doing here stranger your sertently not here for the free food" this time when he spoke it wasnt as gravully "came here too kill the man who destroyed my sisters family and my life" i laughed "it was the mayor and i would kill him if i wasnt friends with his wife and daughter and if i dont kill anyone only if they attack me like the ayor is abut too do"i spoke as i made the metal in my hand turn into a sword and brought it up fast enough for the bullet that was about too hit me frm the mayors gun in his hand and he didnt look too happy about me blocking the bullet so easilly" i removed my mask since it was now dented from the bullet and had a crack in it and i was inspectiting it because there was now a crack from the right eye too the bottom of the mask i whipped around too glar at the mayor "you shot at me and damedge the only thing i have left of m mother and ou try too take the sword ares the god of war gave me when i first met him and you take my pistol from where it was at the top of the fire place and try too shoot me with it really that one thing me and my brothers had before our mother died always the third child has that gun it is the weapon that artemises daughter used which was a bow an arrow a gift from her childrens father and it changes shape with the hand of the third child of artemises daughter and i know now who had set that fire at my mthers house whitch i now live at but hits hidden from mortals eyes" the mayors gaze urned cold and dark and murderieas he came at me i laughed as i took out my mothers sword after my clothes had magicaly changed too the dress i hjad been wearing and i had side kicked him and grabbed the gun at the same time and he flew across the room into the wall and.

I wen tup too the mayor i picked him up by the colar of his suit "well i never" my country accent thickend "you are a basterd thinking you could try too make a pass on me just a few hours ago just because you knew who i was because you tired too kill me when i was a baby and you then tried too kill me sevreul times before not anymore" i looked too big al take himn too the sheirifs office and make sure he is arrested for attempted murder of sylvia wade and danny and sammy wade and murder of diana wade and for theft" i handed al a flash drive as he took the mayor out of the house i spoke "you stranger lets go up too my office while everyone parties" i waved my hand and me and the stranger was in my office at home with rico as a wolf at my side the stranger eyed rico i smiled "he wont be not eness you attack me again" i was leaning against my mothers sword his gaze on it and i saw recognition in his gaze "its my mother's sword and she left it for me i know this because her ghost is still around not in the underworld because she has too giud me through life nd help me become the person i have to be and we are missing family members like my uncle and his twin boys johnny and joey age eleven" i looked at the man in front of me i began saying the words too call my mother "who i am is taught by you who i seek is who you tell by blood by life by the stars inside by the gods i summon you my mother my friend my teacher the one who is full of the same blood through my veins like embers in a dark hole by the sword in my hand and by the blood in my heart i summon the diana wade the keeper of the silver willow" my mother's ghost appeared and smiled at me "you know i think you can shorten it too mother come out of hiding before i screwer someone head n your sword" i laughed and so did my mother the stranger looked at my mother with shock "hi big brother glad you could meet your niece and nephews and her boyfriend" she said that as rico changed too a man. My uncle looked shack and even more when his family appeared along with his children who was at the party and where del la luna "there mother died and i had been friends with her and she left my brother danny custody of them until i was eighteen o one more year" the boys looked like their father they were smiling and everyone wa looking around but the ones that were in my life before everything that people had been hiding came out into the open and had been in my life for as long as i could remember. my uncle looked shocked at everyone i laughed because they really didn't know how they got here so fast my brothers stood by me and so did my uncles twins we had our arms around each other's shoulders like we use too do when we were little. My uncles looked at each other and my mother looked like she was going too bust out laughing but what comes out of my mouth next made her lose her fight "well i never seen some speechless people in my life you would think i was walking aroiund in that white bikinni that would made a porn star seem like a saint" that made my uncles look at me at the same time. 

My uncles looked at me like i was just singning "thriller" while dancing the maceranna wearing a clown coustum just too be funny my clothes changed too the bikinni and my grandmother spoke "at least hes not naked" that ade my mmother my brothers and y uncles and everyone stair at her nd her children all yelled "mother" at the same time i hade changed into the party dress i had been wearing at the party my grandmmother an di was laughing at there reaction and hat got me a glare and that just made us laugh hrder as my grandmother pointed a figer at my mother "well it is and the time your bikinni top fell off and the nice fisher man caught it for you and gave it back too you" me and my btother exchange looks with rico and alex and emme "did he kind of looked like alex and rico" i looked at my grandother she fround "well yes he did why?" i was holding my sides "well grandmother that was posidian a god who rescued my mother from even more embarise ment and was he hanging aourn da guy suntanning looked similur but younger or the same age but had bright bkue eyes" my grandmother nodded looking cinfused whie me an dmy brothers along with my cousins and my moyher and everyone who knew who i was talking about "comeout father i know you relly want to comout so youo could at least win th ebet between you and your uncle father" ym dad appeard beside me and my brother laughing he looked at me "how is it you aways know when gods are around and whoh it is?" i shrug "it could be because i have had alot of practice identifiing your sents and plus i am a demigod who is friends with your sister and with your best friend and your uncle posidian' he looked at me and asked "did they just tell you or was it your little blood hound nose" i held up my phone an dhe smiled proud untill i told him this "you also smel like baconand fire also like a dusty library" i smiled sweety my grandmother looked at my father "your the man that laughed and flirtted with my daughter after posidian gave her her top back" that sent everyo ne in a fit of laughter. we were now back at the party and i finished my speach and as i walked down the stairs my knee gave out and i fell down the stairs andi herd someone scream adn then darkness as the pain clutched me.

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now