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The next morning we had a celebration and i had made an announcement that shocked everyone at practice "you all know how i act all hyper and like i don't have worry in the world and how i have events too remember the past on the day it happened and i know you all think that i don't like remembering the past and i know you all talk about the past behind my back but i act like that because i always thought it was my job too just carry the weight of the mistakes and choices i made that hurt people and things that had happened when i wanted to do something or i let happen so i kept a smile on my face hoping no one would notice or think i'm a type of girl who just don't cares and only uses the past memories just too help when i need it so i put on a mask too let people think i was stronger than i am but i can't deal with it i need the past too let people know i'm human i remember i never forget i will never forget to remind me of those we lost and the good times and the bad too remind me that i am stronger than i think too turn out the way i am and i am getting better each day because i use to not be able to speak in front of a lot of people too not tell who is friend and foe and to let my enemy not know what i'm thinking and my feelings too not be able to hide behind a mask too let the people i love get harmed too let my family know my feelings and now i see that i had made mistakes and misjudge things that affected the way i work and the way you think of me people outside of this group and newbies think i am some crazy girl who carries a weapon and dresses like a cougar but that too my friends and family is me hiding behind a mask so for now on no more hiding only too my enemies and i think it's time for the boss too make an announcement and time to stop hiding behind a mask" that made people cheer and rico and my family smiled at me as the gang began to get ready and rico hugged me and kissed the top of my head and whispered "i love you and i'm proud of you" i looked at him and smiled "i love you too and i got a plan so lets get ready" he laughed as i dragged him too the armory and we got ready.

Soon i was in the middle of the city with my people surrounding me and rico by my side and my brothers beside rico like always but this time was different i was going to reveal myself too the city and the world since it was going to be broad casted where my clubs are and now we where in the middle of town in the middle of the road stopping traffic and my people standing on sidewalks and standing on cars with their weapons out in the open and everyone was talking and people looked confused then scared when they notice me and when i'm looking at them. I spoke using a disguised voice with no pitch, feeling, accents, and no way to give anyone my identity until i removed the mask which would be in a moment "i know you all are confused and scared and are wondering why i'm standing in the center of the city in the middle of the road not standing on the statue it's because this way everyone can see me easily and because i have to tell you all something i had been hiding behind a mask for ever you all had to guess who and what i am but i tell you now but you will be in for a shock" as i began removing my gloves after i removed my cloak "my name is silvia i am 17 and i am an orphan too everyone but i not really my father's a busy guy my mom's a ghost and i have an older brother named danny i own all the Del La Luna clubs and i am a wayde" i had removed most of my armor and was in a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt and combat boots "now lets see what you think of me" and i removed my mask and my voice had slowly changed too my deep country accent and i heard gasp and cameras go off "i'm not sum dumb blonde i am a girl who had seen death and had to fight for survival so don't underestimate me any more" then me rico and my brothers disappeared into wayde corporation at the very top office of the CEO of the company Bobby Wayde my mothers older brother he looked shocked too see me danny and rico and alex since she had been spying here cutting of any way he could have learned about me and danny "who are you people?" he asked i looked at him and smiled "aw you don't know well i guess i'll show you who i am though i would grab a seat Bobo i waved my right hand over the palm of my left that held my mother's necklace i always wore "show Bobby Wayde who is my kin in this century" a picture of the family before my mother's death "i always thought she was pretty in silver and red don't you think so big brothers" i smiled at my brothers as sammy came in like we had my brothers looked at the mage as it zoomed up on too my mother "though i would have liked to seen her before she died wouldn't have you bobby" i looked at my uncle he asked again who we were. 

Del La Luna: The Gangster Demigod and the Assassin Shifter  Where stories live. Discover now