Ch. Six: The day after

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Emsley's POV:

Okay so now it was eight in the morning, and a school day, of course it was Tuesday. And it had to be Tuesday.

"Hey Emsley," Ally called out in the halls as I was at my grey locker.

"Ugh," I had taking a long pause.

"Emsley are you okay?" Ally asked slowly leaning on the grey locker next to mine.

"J-just tired that's all," I was grabbing my history textbook.

"Really you don't look so well, and Emsley we have math not history,"Ally was right, history was our homeroom.

"Oh yeah," I tried to speak through a thumping headache.

"Maths, not fun..." I complained about it. By this time my head really ached.

"Ally I don't feel so well." I commented closing my locker. Okay what happen last night, I was combing through my memory. Ugh I think I am going to text Zayn...

To Zayn:

Hey :( what happened after McDonald's? I have a headache and feel sick. Ugh the first bell, gtg.

Ally and I walked down the hall to math class.

Zayn's POV:

"Ugh," I mumbled as I heard my phone go off. We had a late night; last night and we were all tried. Well at lease we could all sleep in. But Emsley had school I felt bad for her. She probably was up all night, like the rest of us. But hey we do that all the time. Five minutes of sleep and then go go go again.

Ring ring

"Zayn get your damn phone! I am tired!" I heard Louis yell from across the room.

"Find I will get it," I reached over to grab my phone from the nightstand. It was gone, damn it!

Harry's POV:

I was running down the tan colour halls. I took a pause to check Zayn's phone, Emsley had texted Zayn moments ago. I hit the keys it keep going tap tap tap.

To Emsley:

Hey babe, I am sorry about what happened last night you were so tired at nine but we ate McDonald's and then you felt asleep in the car. So we phoned your mum and she told us where you lived and we took you home. And now you have a headache I am sorry it must be you not having a lot of sleep.

-Zayn xxx ;) hope you feel better!

My gosh it so hard lying to her that I was Zayn. I mean I wanted to tell her I was me. Ugh, what am I saying? Whatever... I raced down the hall and put Zayn's phone back.

Emsley's POV: (Later that day)

Now it was around lunch, I was sitting with Ally, I still felt sick. Ugh, I looked at my phone. A text from Zayn, I read it slowly, what the? Zayn would never call me that, a read it again.

Um, only possible, person that's name started with an H.

I started to text 'Zayn' back,

Zayn's POV:

My phone when off again Emsley my guess, the lads and I were just resting. And by resting I meant watching the Telly. I looked down at my phone.

From Emsley:

Well then, are we starting off there? What the hell! I am not in the mood for flirtiness! And I know it's you Styles! Why did you steal Zayn's phone any ways?

Sorry if I sound mad, I am not, just really tired.

:( ;( Em

"What the hell Styles!?" I yelled as I had gotten up, angered.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Harry said it like that I knew he was lying.

"Yes then explain this." I pointed to my phone screen. He read Emsley's text slowly.

"So- sorry I only wanted the phone to stop." Harry talked slower then his normal.

"Fine what ever," I walked out of the room. And down though the hotel halls to the front door.

To Emsley:

I am sorry to what Harry did, hey want to go for a walk after school?

-Zayn xxx

A/N: Okay this is a really cliffhanger! ha.ha.ha
Sorry this was yesterday's chapter, but I had to go to school and stuff, which btw I feel really really sleepy... I don't want to go to school... And work. :P

I hope I see my friends at school, because there is no time to talk when you work. Haha ha. Okay next chapter is what you are waiting for...

Hey found a cool band... Their called Half way to Hollywood...

Look them up!

Dylan xxx

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