Ch. eighteen: the Airport

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Why did I let him go? I love him. I do. Maybe he would still be at the airport? Okay that's were I am going.

Harry's POV:

"Flight 31 to Australia will be delayed." The speaker commented.

"Harry are you okay?" Liam asked.

"No Liam the girl I love is hating me." I commented as I sat down in the seats.

"Oh I am sorry, did you try calling her?" Liam asked. I nodded.

"No answer?" Liam asked, I agreed.

Emsley's POV:

"Thank you here." I past the money to the taxi man and rushed out the door.

So many people for an airport how was I going to find him?

I picked up my phone, to try to call him. As I walked into the place.

Ring ring ring

I heard Harry's ringer.

"Hello?" Harry sounded upset.

"Hi Harry!" I chirped happily.

"Oh hey Emsley's," Harry was still upset.

"Okay bye," I hung up.

"Bye?" Harry said. I have finally found him. I raced up to him behind him. Putting my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" I smiled.

Harry's POV:

I smelled something familiar. It smelled like Emsley.

"Emsley." I guessed. Then she took her hands away.

"Harry I am sorry I made a mistake. I shouldn't have let you go." Emsley commented sorry.

"Harry will you be my boyfriend?" Emsley asked hopeful. I grabbed her cheeks, pulled her in and kissed her. I love you I love you.

"Yes I will," I pulled away from her lips. But still close to her temple.

"Flight 31 to Australia to back on time," I heard the speaker go off.

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now?" Emsley asked.

"I guess so," I commented walking to the airplane.

"I love you," she cried.

"Me too." I can't believe this is real I was leaving my bird. I love her, I do. I was going to miss my bird. I walked into the plane. I waved goodbye one last time. I mouthed I will miss you.

Emsley's POV:

I watched him disappear into the darkness. But this wasn't going to be the last time I would see him. I love you. But I am going to miss you. Good bye my love. I will miss you. And I know one day we will meet up soon. Very soon.

I watched Harry walk over to the airplane. He had the hugest grin on his face. I felt one on my mine too.

Harry looked back one last time. He waved to me, and I waved back. Someday we'll be together again. I know one day soon. Soon the plane catch flight, racing down the lane. Racing up to the sky, Harry I miss you all ready. I sighed as everything in my mind fadeout. I walked back out the front door, called a taxi and when home. Someday soon we will meet again.

The end.

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