Ch.thirteen: Open the door?!

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Harry's POV:

"Damn it open the door Harold!" Louis cried.

We have been here for forty five minutes. And I wouldn't open the door.

"What's with all the yelling?" Emsley yelling back. Even when she was mad she was still hot.

"Harry will not open the door," Liam pointed out.

"Go,"Emsley whispered.

"Harry please open the door I have to go to school," Emsley begged. "Please I don't want to wear pjs to school," her voice was fading ever so slowly. I felt her hand touch the door. I touched it back.


"Thank you," Emsley whispered as she looked past me.

"Your welcome," I was going to grab her waist. She was dragging my hand a way.

She started grabbing clothes out of her closet, she pulled out a tee shirt and trousers.


"Harry no," she put her one finger on my lips.

"No what?" I tried to say.

"No," She leaned closer to...

Kiss me, on the lips. She pulled away slowly, and leaned over to my left ear.

"I love you and don't let that go," she whispered then walked a way. To get dressed.

That was weird...she never did that before, Emsley please don't fade on me...

Emsley's POV:

I felt alone ever seen Niall asked that question. Damn it why did I let it get to me. I felt my eye start to water. No don't cry your fine trust me. Being alone all the time isn't that bad. I mean One Direction will stay, oh wait... Their leaving in a couple days, and all of this would have never happened and you can forget them. But once you make a friend, you really can't let go. Can you? Ally will be there, with you. She will not leave. Trust me she wouldn't.

I walked out of the bathroom, and got ready for school.


"Emsley want us to drive you there?" Harry offered.

"Sure," knowing him he wanted to spend more time together.

"Okay let's go," Harry was now dressed and Zayn was up.

The lads walked out of the door. And I locked the door behind me.

I saw there black SUV.We all climbed in. Harry was beside me.
My gosh stop it, stop thinking your going to cry.

"Emsley?" Harry played with my hair.

"Yes," I pulled my face away from the car window.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked slowly looking into my eyes, my gosh his green eyes were so pretty.

"Yes I am fine," I commented,

"Okay if you say so," Harry had his arm thrown over my back.


"Emsley could I see you later at lunch today," Harry asked as he was grabbing my hand.

"Um... Sure." I commented.

"Bye guys," I cried as I got out of the black SUV.

"Have a nice day at school," they cried back.

"Wait Emsley what's your number?" Harry asked before I rushed off.

"Ask Zayn I have to go," I commented rushing to my locker.

A/N:My gosh Emsley don't cry...

My gosh it's so sad how this ends... Trust me on more day with One Direction my gosh what's going to happen!? and predictions?

Thanks loves for reading

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Dylan xxx

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