Chapter 20 : Prep for camp (last part)

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This chapter will contain mostly HyoLay, LuYoon and SeoHun. Enjoy~

Hyoyeon's P.O.V:

"Lay, let's go!" I shouted over to him. "Ah,ne!" He said as he walked over to me. Eh? He had a weird accent.

"Ah,Hyoyeon right?" He asked and I nodded. "You..You're not korean right?" I asked, carefully. "Ah...yes. I'm from China. My real name is Zhang Yixing." He smiled. Ah, so that's why he had an accent.

"So how long have you been in Korea?" I continued asking. "Since elementary school." That's long. "Your....parents?" I asked again. "In China." He smiled bitterly and I felt guilty for asking him that. "Don't you miss them?" I tapped his back as he picked up the logs. "Of course,I do. But what can I do? I'm here to study and make them proud." He smiled sincerely this time." I smiled back as I nodded. He was a great person after all.

I saw a sad expression from his face. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. But hey, do you want to know something?" He asked me. "Hm, sure! What is it?" I looked at him. "Let's go sit there first." He pointed to two big logs across us with a big grin on his face. "Leggo!"


They walked to the logs slowly, just in case they fell. "So, what did you want to tell me?" Hyoyeon asked after they took their places. "Er..I forgot about it. Haha, anyways aren't you cold? It's getting darker and colder." Lay asked and I tried to lie but obviously failed. "Er..I..guess? But let's go and pick logs quickly so we'll get back to the tents faster." Hyoyeon said, as her teeth chattered. "It's fine, we can go slowly." Lay said as he slid off his jacket. "Here. Wear this." Hyoyeon grabbed the jacket and slid it on. "Oh. Thank you so much. I'm freezing. But wait, aren't you cold too?" Hyoyeon looked at Lay from head to toe. "That's why, I might need your help." Lay said as he smirked. "Eh? ...Ah!" Hyoyeon was shocked as Lay pulled her hard to his side with his hands on her waist. "We're fine to go now. But we have to stick to each other, alright?" Lay smiled, showing off his dimples as Hyoyeon nodded, cheeks turning pink.


The last four people had to go as a group since it was getting dark. So Sehun, Seohyun, Luhan and Yoona found their way to each other and started walking.

"Unnie, wanna walk first and leave the boys behind?" Seohyun whispered to Yoona. "Uh? Hmm, good idea! Walk fast okay?" Yoona whispered back and received a nod from Seohyun. Yoona and Seohyun soon overtook Luhan and Sehun in their tracks and walked way faster. "Yah, where are you two going?" Luhan shouted from behind. "STOP!" Sehun shouted and somehow, both of them stopped. "You guys walk like grandfathers, so slow!" Yoona sighed. "Walk faster, please!" Seohyun laughed behind Yoona.

"Andwae! You girls have to walk with us, manly boys." Luhan said and smirked to Sehun, receiving a nod. Seohyun and Yoona exchanged weird looks and started walking again, this time, slower. Sehun and Luhan towards the two and put their arms around them - Sehun around Seohyun, Luhan around Yoona. "Go away, you freaks." Yoona and Seohyun slid under their arms. "Come on, we're trying to be friendly here." Sehun glared. "Fine, Yoona, you and me shall walk infront. Since I think we're awkward since we're four," Luhan nodded. "No, we-" Yoona was cut by Luhan who pulled her hand and walked first.

Sehun and Seohyun walked slower behind them. They exchange awkward looks and continued walking. Suddenly, Yoona and Luhan started laughing and talking to each other. Seohyun walked closer to Sehun and whispered to him in the ear as she pointed to the two. "Look, they were fighting just now, and now, thye're best friends, pfft." They both started laughing and stopped after realising how close they actually were, nearly inches apart. "Oh, that's what we're doing too." Sehun said awkwardly as he played with his hair. Seohyun furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Sehun's hair. Seohyun started fixing his hair and straightening his bangs, making him freeze with her touch. "You look better like this, don't touch your hair," Seohyun smiled and immediately froze as Sehun leaned forward and started fixing her hair for her. "There you go." Sehun smiled back and continued talking. "Oh, and you're really pretty." "Thanks." Seohyun said, blushing. "Nah, I don't tell lies." Sehun walked faster.


Yoona clapped her hands as she laughed at Luhan's jokes. "Wah, I never laughed that much before." Yoona sighed as she took deep breaths after she stopped laughing. "And it's the first time I ever saw you laugh." Luhan smiled. Yoona smiled back and nodded. "I wish you would laugh always." Luhan whispered to himself. "Eh? What did you say?" Yoona asked after she heard some murmurings. "I hope that you would always laugh like that." Luhan said loudly and sincerely. "Ah..why?" Yoona asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. "You look much, much, much, much prettier when you're laughing." Luhan nodded, proud of his words.

"Yah! You mean I'm not pretty now that I'm not laughing?" Yoona pouted and pushed Luhan's shoulder. "I mean, you're obviously pretty now but you'll look more prettier when you're laughing. So laugh more, please." Luhan explained, earning a smile from Yoona. "Hmm, fine fine. Let's go now, it's really late now."

Authors' Note :

Yo! Another chapter! Was this chapter nice? I hope so.. Anyways, have you guys heard Monsta X's All In yet? If not, you should go now. OMGGG! HYUNGWON AND I.M AND SHOWNU!! /FAINTS. HAHAHAH. Nah, but really, it's really nice. It's currently 5 a.m and I'm not asleep yet. I better go now. Bye!

- Syah.

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