Chapter 17

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- 17 -

Saturday morning, I got stuck driving the boy to his SAT test. It was against my better judgment, of course, but it was the only way to shut the wife up. Know what I mean?

There wasn’t much conversation as we drove. Me watching the road, humming some country music song to myself, Clint reading through his book. Books, always books.

About fifteen minutes into the drive, we were maybe a couple of miles from the school when I had a thought. I took a left onto a different route.

The boy got his nose out of the book. Looked around. “Where are we going?”

“Just need to make a stop somewhere on the way.” No big deal, right?

“These are the SATs. I have to be on time.”

“We’ll make it,” I said. Not sure if it was true, but I was the one driving, that’s all that mattered. “If it weren’t for your mother, we wouldn’t be going at all.”

He huffed, “This is important.”

“What, so you can be a ‘writer’?”

“Writers are important.”

“You can keep your writing.” I flicked on the radio, punching buttons to find me some good country-and-western music. “Just give me a newspaper or a copy of U.S. News & World Report or a good detective TV show and I’m fine. You can keep your writing.”

The boy slapped his textbook shut. Slumped back in the passenger seat. “Where do you think those things come from?”

“What do you mean?”

“Somebody had to write them.”

I wasn’t sure what he was getting at, but I saw the sign coming up ahead. I tapped the brake and hit the blinker. “Let’s just make a quick stop.”

“Wait, what are we doing here?”

“Just making a quick stop. To look at some boats.”

I may have felt a twinge of sympathy for my son. I may have even felt a twinge of memory—my dad dragging me out to look at tractors.

But I put those feelings aside. This was important.


There are 70 chapters for Tribulation House. You can purchase the whole eBook from Amazon, Apple, Kobo, B&N, and more! 

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