Chapter 36

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- 36 -

Hank Barton barely spoke to the church secretary at The Last Church of God’s Imminent Will before bursting into the office of Reverend Daniel Glory. “You’ve got a fat lot of nerve!” Barely taking note of the man and woman sitting across from the man at his desk.

Rev. Glory, silver hair and shining teeth, looked up from his desk in surprise. “I-I’m sorry, Mister—?”

“You know who I am.” Hank threw the newspaper on the desk.

Reverend Glory tentatively uncrumpled the paper. His guests exchanged awkward glances. He gave them an apologetic smile and scanned the front page. Shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

Hank lunged and grabbed the paper, thumbing the newsprint. “Here, on page three.” He laid the spread on the desk, slamming his hand on it to flatten the crumpled paper. He jabbed a finger at a headline. “There!”


Reverend Glory looked up with a quizzical smile. “I think it’s admirable if you truly are listening to the voice of the Lord.”

“The general tone of the piece is bad enough. But you had no right to get involved.” He jabbed the finger at the second column, paragraph three:

Another local man of God, Reverend Daniel Glory of The Last Church of God’s Imminent Will, has his doubts that he and Candidate Barton are listening to the same voices. “I know for a fact that the Lord Jesus is coming back on October 17. Obviously, He would not be wasting good Christians’ time with any mandates to participate in worldly elections.”

Reverend Glory added that Christians should “let the things of Caesar be the things of Caesar and let the things of God be the things of God.”

Reverend Glory outlines his theories about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as predicted in the Bible, in his best-selling book 107 Reasons Jesus Is Coming Back in 2007.

Rev. Glory looked up, smiling. “Surely you cannot blame me for speaking the truth in love.”

“The truth? The truth?” Hank was verily shrieking now. “You need to mind your own business. This was a story about my candidacy, my vision, and you jumped in with your opinion. And a dangerous one at that.”

“Last I heard, Mr. Barton, we still had free speech in this country.”

“And how long is that going to last, if Christian leaders tell their people to withdraw from the culture? To stop serving as salt and light?”

Reverend Daniel Glory stood carefully, straightening his suit jacket. “It’s like I told the reporter—let the things of Caesar belong to Caesar, and let the things of God belong to God. We are supposed to be separate from the world. Are we not?”

“But you’re quoting that out of context! Jesus was telling the disciples to pay their taxes! He was saying we should participate in the government—”

“Mr. Barton.” Reverend Glory was stern now. “You have interrupted a private session.” He waved to indicate the man and woman sitting across from his desk, attempting to shrink into their chairs, to pretend nonchalance. “Now, I have exercised my constitutional right to express my opinion.”


“You have said nothing to convince me I was wrong to do that.” The Reverend motioned for the office door, where the secretary stood nervously. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Hank lost his temper. Took a swing at the man.

Reverend Daniel Glory must have once been a boxer or something.


There are 70 chapters for Tribulation House. You can purchase the whole eBook from Amazon, Apple, Kobo, B&N, and more! 

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