Chapter 22

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At the office, I just wasn’t able to get my head in the game. Who wants to sell real estate when you’re about to rocket out of here?

Eventually, my boss, Elias Sherman, noticed. “What is wrong with you? Your sales are in the crapper!”

“Come on, Mr. Sherman, they’re not that bad.”

“You got to do better. I’m going to be watching your numbers for the next few weeks.”

Next few weeks. Huh. “Okay, Mr. Sherman.”

Back at my desk, I spent the morning dreaming. I had finally decided on what I wanted: a 2008 Bayliner 192. In a fine craft like that, I could boat around all day and then spend the night in the great outdoors. Nineteen feet, dependable 3.0-liter engine for extended cruising. Comfortable enclosed cabin and portable head. Cushioned V-berth with storage below. AM/FM Stereo CD with input for MP3. Jump seats and sleeper seats that convert to loungers. Self-bailing fiberglass cockpit liner. In-floor storage. Padded side panel storage with shelves and cord locks…

A sweet deal at only $22,428.

That afternoon, I went to the dealer and told the guy to draw up the papers. Sure, $22,428 sounds like a lot of money for a guy like me to drop down all at once. So I tried to work it out on credit.

No big deal, right? After all, I wasn’t going to be around to have to pay for it! It’s not like you think—I would not stiff my brothers in Christ. But I figured that after the Rapture, anyone who is my brother in Christ would not be around to worry about whether I paid off my boat.

As for whoever was left—who cares? Even if the condemned come after me, I’ll be long gone.

I sat down with the salesman and we went through the paperwork. I had a twinge of doubt about whether I would have the credit, but sent up a silent prayer that it would all work out okay. After all, it had worked out the other day when I got the truck.

Wait, I forgot to mention that before—I purchased an Avalanche earlier in the week. Yeah. Chevy Avalanche 2500 LT. Red with the black molding. I needed something to pull the boat. The wife was not happy when I drove home with that. But I needed to step out in faith, so I cut into the family account for the down payment.

I signed for the boat on the dotted line, and the salesman took the papers to another office. Left me sitting there, analyzing the items decorating his desk and tacked to the wood-panel walls. There was a bobblehead on the desk. I didn’t know who Ozzy Osbourne was, but I patted it just the same, watching the plastic head jitter on the spring.

I was squinting at the certificate on the wall when the man came back into the room, his smile a little forced. “I’m sorry, sir,” he said. “Your credit has been declined.”


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