Chapter 39

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- 39 -

I did not plan to sleep—I was not making that mistake again—but the wake-up call was my backup plan.

I looked for a Bible in the nightstand, to no avail. A little voice said I should have packed one for the trip. A little voice said I should call home and tell the wife where I was.

I ignored the little voice and turned up the TV. There was no religious programming, so I ended up watching some movie. Some Asian guy who worked as a hired killer apparently couldn’t go through with his job—I think it is called a “contract”—and now the Chinese mob boss calls in some replacements to finish the job. I didn’t know what I was watching, but there was a scene in a church, which was nice. I only caught the last few minutes, then switched around until I ended up on some television program about lifeguards. It had a lot of scenes shot in slow motion. Or was I just getting that exhausted?

The call came at 3:30 AM. I was so dazed, I don’t actually know whether or not I had been asleep. Either way, I dragged myself to the sink, threw some black water in my face, and was on my way to Lake Michigan by 4:00.

I was in traffic at 4:47.

I was in traffic at 5:23.

I was pounding the dash. Where were all these people going? Didn’t they know this was the beginning of the end? Shouldn’t they be home praying? Home atoning? Home sacrificing? Doing whatever it took to—


I activated my blinker and pulled to the side of the road. In a matter of seconds, my Chevy Avalanche, towing my Bayliner 192, would be driverless. It was my final act of mercy on these people to at least leave the vehicle idling at the side of the road.

Because if I were on the road at 5:51, the Rapture would suddenly pull drivers and pilots and riders and all manner of people from all over the world up into the skies. In the twinkling of an eye, we would vanish.


Any second now. Any second. All over the world, unmanned breakfast skillets catching fire, unmanned jetliners suddenly crashing into mountains, unmanned cars careening off the—

Hmm. Owing for time differences, it should be any second now.


I held my breath.


I let my breath out. I was dizzy.


It was 7:06 when I began to have my doubts.


There are 70 chapters for Tribulation House. You can purchase the whole eBook from Amazon, Apple, Kobo, B&N, and more! 

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