Moving to Los Angeles

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I'm so sick of this. I don't want to live there. I just wanna die.

Whoa, hold on there. One thing for sure, I can't die. Werewolves like me are protected, yes, I'm a werewolf, so being one is not easy, especially when you live with a greedy pack of werewolves, like mine. You have to follow the alpha, hunt for the alpha, serve the alpha, blah blah blah blah.... Whatever. Turns out that's not the only problem for me. Whenever the pack moves to another place, we just have to go with them without questioning where. I haven't introduce myself, haven't I? Name's Demi, Demi Lovato. You may know me as a successful pop singer, but that's just a long way to start that part of the story. Let's start from the beginning. Lucky for me, when I'm not with my pack, I always play and hunt with my best friend, Rogue, who turns out to be a hybrid of a viper and a vampire. I met him when I was a little puppy wolf, and he was a 9 year old newborn. Vampires were our greatest enemy in history, we even clashed 200 years ago. Whatever! At least the guy's nice and would play and hunt with me when my pack disagrees! I don't care about the rules or some old prejudices that looked like it's already expired like 300 years ago! Anyway, back to me. Things are getting much worse when Rogue moved away with The Thoreaux Siblings to California, hell knows where, means I'm stuck with my greedy pack, for 3 years. I miss him.

One day, the alpha of the pack, Mia Badwolf called us to meet her at the Lake Bloodshed, just near the village where we live.

When we arrived there, in human form, Mia announced, "My fellow werewolves. The creature hunters are coming to destroy our village. I heard it from a witch. We must evacuate the villagers before the hunters came."

Creature hunters? Coming to destroy our village? Wait, Rogue warned me about it when he left, and I never forget it.

'Demi, you and your pack must leave. The creature hunters. They're coming to destroy your village. Whatever you do, don't fight back. It's gonna be too late for you to save the villagers. Mark my words, just leave.'

The warning was very clear to me. I wanted to tell Mia right away, but she might go crazy. Can anyone go crazy when someone tried to warn them? I guess not. I know Mia better than the whole pack, she's a drama wolf, and her arrogant behavior makes me wanna tear her apart. Oh, I can't take it! I'm gonna tell her!

"Mia, we have to leave! A friend of mine warned me about it from the vision he had! He knows that the hunters will come! It's gonna be too late for us to save the villagers! We have to move! Now!"

I never forget to growl when I finished my sentence angrily, so they would understand, but I thought wrong. She just scoffed and said, "Like we would believe you, Demetria. I know your so-called friend of yours is a vampire. Guess what? We never wanted to believe a vampire, our sworn enemy."

I can't believe it! She didn't believe me! I swear I'm gonna tear you apart! Not only she didn't believe me, she flipped her hair just like that! I'm so pissed!

"Mia, just listen to her!"

"Yeah! As the alpha of the pack, you must listen!" Good thing I have The Twin Wolves, Harmony and Amy as my friends besides Rogue. We've been besties since I first joined the pack. While Mia is nothing more but an enemy to me. She couldn't care less for her own pack, she cares only to herself. Just because you're the daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, doesn't mean you have to act vicious like your daddy.

We went back to the village after that, but we found it already destroyed. Houses were burned, all animals dead and some of the villagers burned alive and some were murdered. I can smell all the blood when we arrived. I have the urge to cry, but Rogue always said to stay strong, because nothing can ever be accomplished with tears, because I'm a warrior. I can hear sobs with my ears, and that's coming from Mia. She's crying in front of her house, where she and her sister, Willow Badwolf lived. Guess her sister didn't manage to save herself, huh.

"Go ahead. Say I warned you." Mia said between sniffles. A part of me want to say it, but my other part doesn't want to say it. Oh well, I only lived once upon a lifetime. I crouched down and put my hand on her shoulder, and said, "I warned you." Nailed it! "Why don't we get out of here?" I said, trying to convince her to leave this place before the hunters come back, or worse. She nodded in agreement, making me smile for the first time to her. "Demet- I mean Demi, maybe you should lead the way." Wait, what? Does that mean she's no longer our alpha? "What about you?" "Relax, I'm still the alpha. You're just gonna lead the way." Oh. Figures. I nodded, as I phased into a werewolf then run away, everyone else followed me. 'So where are we going, Demz?' Harmony telepathically said to me. 'We're going to Los Angeles. Let's go!' I yelled telepathically to everyone else, and they yelled 'right!' as we started our long journey. Little did I know, that I was about to have a reunion with him.

Hello, readers! Thank you for reading this chapter! And also, about my other work, The Witch & The Vampire, I decided to focus on this one and discontinue the other work. Besides, I've got the work at other place. Hope u guys enjoy! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me if you're obsessed with vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, dragons, fairies and mermaids! Bye!

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