Rogue's Confession

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The picture above is Rogue, played by Ian Somerhalder, and if you want to listen to Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding on the side, be my guess👍

It has been 3 years without him around, and now we met again, it made me feel happy and forgot about the 3 years of pain.

I was resting under Rogue's favorite tree with him leaning on the tree, my head was on his lap, trying to forget everything bad has happened. The 3 years of loneliness, my sister's death, the destruction of my village, and my dark side. Yes, my dark side. I call her Madison, because her voice is similar as my dead sister, Madison, and like her, she cared everything about me, but I don't care about her.

Demi! Demi! She called out to me, as I opened my eyes. She sounded panicking, but that's what she always sounded when she talked to me. Probably a trick. I'm not gonna listen to her. I closed my eyes again.

Madison's POV (Yay! New POV!)

"Demi! Demi!" I called out to her, but she seemed to ignore me. Damn this girl! Just listen for once! If only I can get out from her mind and phase into a shadow like Rogue's. Wait, Rogue can hear everybody's thoughts! Maybe he can hear me!

A/N Just for a reminder, I just want to add POVs because if Demi's POV is the only one here, I would definitely get bored to death. Anyway back to the story!

I tried so hard, but he's not responding! Maybe if I just try harder, I can get him to listen to me!

Rogue's POV

I kept hearing my name being called over and over, but this time it wasn't Ella or Sting. It's something more different.

Rogue! Are you there? A voice called out again. It was a girl. Who is it? I gotta find out who it is.

Yeah, I'm here. I mentally talk. I can't believe I'm talking to a stranger in my head.

Sorry for bugging your nap with Demi, and I have to tell you something. It's super important. The voice said mentally.

Who are you? And how did you know Demz? I mentally asked her. If she's trying to threaten Demz, my best friend, I can't let that happen, so I asked.

I'm nameless, I'm just a dark side of her. I was born when Demi turned 10 years old. I'm Madison. Wait, Madison? As in, Madison De La Garza, her half-sister?

No, Madison was long dead, along with her other sisters, Dallas and Amber, and her mother, Dianna Lee Smith. You're not real. You're not Madison. I threatened her, and I never forget to scowl.

Demi named me Madison a year after Her family's death. Anyway, that's not why I'm here to talk to you. It's a warning. Warning? What warning?

What do you mean by warning? I asked her, then I felt Demi moved, her face showed her distressed look, maybe she just had a nightmare. I put my hands on her back, using my shadows to calm her down, which is my method that always works on Ella, maybe it works on Demz too. She started to calm down, and she goes back to sleep.

The warning, Maddie. Talk to me. I ordered her, so I can find out what the warning is about.

As you wish. When those three girls walked into the villa, I sensed something was off. When Demi approaches them, I sensed dark magic coming from one of them. I'm not sure it's from Taylor or Ariana. I'm positive that it's coming from Selena. Selena? The dark magic was coming from Selena? That's impossible.

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