Meeting the Coven

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A/N Please answer the question below this story! Oh, and enjoy!👌

The picture above is the characters for my "Creature Saga" book series which you know, talks about the past of one of the creatures from the LA Coven. If you still don't get it, basically, it's a story before that coven was made. Anyway, enjoy my chapter! (I said that already, didn't I? Hehe.)

Stay away from Rogue, you'll only gonna involve him into your problems.....

Suddenly, I heard a voice inside my head, it seemed so evil, and it's like the opposite of good. Oh no. It's back! My dark side! Get away from me! Get away!!

Stop resisting, Demetria. Just because you are a werewolf now, doesn't mean I'm gone. I'm always a part of you, whether you like it or not.

Then I hear a cruel and evil cackle coming from my dark side. No! I'm begging you please! Stay away from me! I don't want to hurt everyone anymore! Please!

Demi! Wake up! Demi! I hear a familiar voice calling out my name, he shook my body so I can wake up from this nightmare. It was Rogue. I quickly open my eyes and panting.

"Are you okay?" asked Rogue worried. He has never been this worried before. I think it shows that he cared about me.

"I'm fine." I said bluntly. I don't want to tell him about my dark side. He must never know.

"If you have any problems, you can just tell me. I can help you." Rogue said holding my hand tight. Does he know or does he not? I don't want him to get involved in my problems. I snapped out of my thoughts when suddenly two people came in. It's the same two people who fought earlier. Could it be Rogue and his friends who saved me?

"We're back! And we got lunch!"

"No thanks. I already ate." Rogue said.

"I told you he already ate! He doesn't need it!"

"And what? Should I just let him act all stubborn like now?!"

Wow, looks like his friends seems pretty... annoying. Especially the blondie guy. He looks so cute.... No! Demi, stop it!

"Want some food, Demi?" Rogue offered me a food. Well, I haven't ate lunch yet, so I might as well eat something first. I nodded my head, as Rogue gave me a cheeseburger, well, he took the bag from the blondie guy. I take a big bite out of the burger, and it felt so good.

"Hmmmm.... That's so good." I moaned in delight. Minutes later, I finished my burger and sit on the sofa and caught a glimpse of his girlfriend. She's so beautiful and those colored strands suits her. Rogue's so lucky to have her, not that I'm jealous or anything, but I'm happy for him. Don't remind me about last night when I said I was jealous!

"Anyways," Rogue spoke, "I want you to meet Sting, he's a White Dragon Slayer and a Serenian." He introduced the blondie guy to me.

"Nice meeting you, blondie." I said. He seemed pretty fine when I called him blondie. Maybe his friends like to call him blondie?

"And this is the girlfriend I've talked about. Her name's Ella O'Connor." He introduced his girlfriend. She looked really friendly though.

"Nice meeting you, Ella."

"Yeah, nice to meet you! You look wicked!" She was a bubbly one too, huh. I can't help but giggle at her personality.

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