The Past

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Where am I? Am I dead? Oh, wait, I'm just sleeping. I have to wake up to find out where am I.

As soon as I heard my mind spoke to me, I immediately shot my eyes open and blink five times, it was blue and I'm trying to adjust my sight. My sight is back to normal, and I found myself, lying down, more like sleeping, on the ground near the lake. Wait, I know this place. If this is Lake Bloodshed, then this must be my village! Why am I here? The last thing I remembered is I was lying down on a couch inside Rogue's villa. What happened?

Suddenly I heard footsteps, coming this way. Is it someone bad? If it was, I have to be ready.

Turns out, it was a kid. A girl. She looked like me. Oh wait, that girl WAS me. Then, this means that I'm back into the past, my childhood, 21 years ago. Whatever's the effect of Vic's spell, it must've transferred my consciousness back to the past, so that's why she (my younger self) can't see me.

I walked towards my younger self to take a better look, then suddenly a large wolf walked towards her. Oh no! I went to save her, but she shouted, "Big sis Dallas! Big sis Amber!" Oh? That's Dallas and Amber? Wow, they're bigger than me, not my younger self, but me. Dallas and Amber were known as the biggest werewolf sisters and they brought honour to our family for winning a war between the vampires and us many years ago, and then became the leader of the village. I saw Dallas and Amber being pet by my younger self. I want to do that too, but I can't. No, really, I'm just a conscious of my present self, and maybe if I try to touch them, my hand past through her.

It was a perfect childhood..... Until it ends quickly.

Suddenly I heard a blast coming from the gate of the village! What the hell was that?! I ran towards me and my big sisters and stand behind them, hoping to see who would dare to do such things. Turns out, it was a vampire. It's Maximus and Clarissa.

One of the villagers, who happens to be a werewolf guardian, lunged towards Clarissa, but Maximus quickly get rid of him, by stabbing him. I saw the villager was already dead.

"Demi! Dallas! Amber!" I heard my mom, Dianna shout to us then grabbed me into her embrace. I was scared.

"Demetria, you have to go." Dallas said.

"No! I'm not leaving big sis Dallas and big sis Amber!" My younger self disagreed.

"We have to save the village, Demetria. It's the leader's duty to save the village and the villagers." Dallas said, and I saw a tear shed. Oh, Dallas.....

"Mom, Dad, if we don't came back to you, promise us one thing." Amber said.

"Anything for our daughters." My father, Patrick said.

"Take care of Demetria for us, okay?" Dallas smiled and shed a few tears.

"Now, go. Go to the Witch Village, they can help you. Go!" My father and mother started to run away from them, and before I followed them, I saw Dallas shed tears and Amber hugging her sister and kept telling her 'they'll be fine'.

"No!! Big sis Dallas! Big sis Amber!! Come back!!"

"We love you, Demetria. Live on, okay?" I heard Amber said before the two phased into a werewolf, and started attacking.

I decided to follow my parents and my younger self to the Witch Village. When they arrived there, they were greeted by the Thoreaux Siblings, whom I knew as Rogue's siblings. He told me that The Siblings raised him as their own little brother when his parents died.

"Welcome to Witch Village," Deidara said, I know him as the current leader of the Witch Nation now.

"I assumed you're Dallas and Amber's parents?" Melody asked and my father nodded.

"Is this your daughter?" Hayden spoke.

"Don't be scared, Demetria. They're nice witches." I saw my younger self peeked out of hiding behind my mother, and I was sure I saw Melody's face light up just a second after she saw the little me. Wow, she's good at hiding it.

"Hi. I'm Demetria." Little me introduced herself.

"I'm Melody, these are my brothers, Deidara and Hayden. It's so good to see Dallas and Amber's little sister!" Melody spoke as her voice became echoes. Suddenly, I felt myself shift, and somehow, I was transferred 10 days later. 10 days later.... Rogue and I first met after 10 days living in the Witch Village.

I saw my younger self was holding my mom and dad's hand, waiting near the gate for the villagers to come. That's right, the villagers from my village is coming here to stay before coming back again to rebuild the village. Moments later, The Thoreaux Siblings came back with the villagers, and Sarah, who happens to be my mom's best friend, was also here with her mate, John.

"Sarah! John! So glad you're okay!" My mom came hugging them both, and soon me and my father came hugging them too.

"Where are Dallas and Amber?" Mom spoke. Oh, that's right. Dallas and Amber stayed behind days ago when we escaped. What happened?

"Dianna, Patrick.... It's hurts us to say this to you two and your daughter, but..... Dallas and Amber, they managed to save the villagers, but they're unable to save themselves. They died. Maximus and Clarissa killed them. I'm sorry for your loss." Dallas? Amber? Died because of Maximus and Clarissa? No..... I felt myself fell down on my knees and cried in my palms. No, I don't want to remember this day, but it's still haunting me. I saw my younger self run away from Mom and Dad and past through me. I felt her tears. I felt my own tears from my younger self. I ran, followed my younger self, eventually she ran until she's in front of Lake Bloodshed, and I can see my village far from here, and I saw a smoke coming out of my village.

"Hey, are you okay?" I recognised that voice, then suddenly a boy came out of hiding behind a tree, it was Rogue.

"No. My big sisters, they died!" The little me kept sobbing harder, which makes me shed a few tears as well. I've felt that pain again.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Rogue put his hand on her shoulder, and I can also feel it, then he sat down on the ground next to her. I don't know why, but I always felt calm when he's around me. That's how our friendship began.

I still remember this day, how could I ever forget this? We've been friends since then. 21 years of friendship.

Suddenly, I feel myself shift back to the present. I'm back, or more like, my conscious is back. I found myself sleeping in a bed, a king-sized bed. I wake myself up and my eyes are trying to adjust to the light and my sight. I saw Rogue, sleeping beside me. He's so cute when he's asleep. I know he's a heavy sleeper, so I'm not trying to wake him up. I looked on the bedside table and saw a novel, called The Fault in Our Stars. I always love John Green's work, so I took it and read the first chapter while waiting for him to awake.

Hey!! Did you enjoyed the story so far? I kinda admit that this chapter is so ugly and I've been up until 12 am yesterday to fix my mistakes. Don't hate me or kill me!

Any ways, did you guys love The Fault in our Stars? Me too! My favourite character is Hazel Grace Lancaster! She's a strong fighter and I admired someone like her.

I'll be updating tonight or maybe Sunday, cause' I'm super busy, but you already knew from the last chapter, so don't forget to vote and comment! Bye!

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