Chapter 8

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Krystal P.O.V

10th of Oct

I woke up to noices in the kitchen I'm guessing.

I walked out my bedroom door confused what is happening my thoughts were cut short as I saw Harry wearing an apron while cooking breakfast is he for real first he's awake early second cooking bacon ??

"Good morning? " I said more like asked I could be dreaming.

"Good morning, go wash up this will be ready in a minute " he said

I fast walked to the bathroom, feeling embarrassed from my appearance.


After the lavish breakfast Mr Harry Styles made, I sat with a cup of tea reading it turned into a habit to always read after breakfast I noticed that he was walking towards me with his hands behind his back. I looked up my eyes following him as he sat beside me on the sofa.

"How are you today? " he asked, is he genuinely concerned?

"I am very well thank you" I answered nevertheless.

"What are you reading " he asked
"Its a book called The Hollow by Agatha Christie "

"Interesting " he said

"Yes it is " I muttered, about to reopen the book when Harry uncovers what he had behind his back my eyes widdened a big smile playing on my lips "where did you find this jar" I asked examining it.

"You had chocolate rolls in it I just washed and dried it then filled it back with your origami stars"

I side hugged him tightly but quickly my happiness can not be put into words at the moment, "Thank you thank you so much" I said kissing the jar multiple of times.

"You're welcome just fixing what I broke"

"You rebuilt it thank you" I said

The day passed swiftly I sat with a bowl of fruit and ice cream because duh! I was starring at Harry making sure he can not see me as he was supposedly busy in the board game of his.

" I can't concentrate with you staring" he said.

"Sorry I just still can't believe you did that for me" I said he smiled moving a step in the game.

Oh my God that's a smile.


11th of Oct

I felt good, I felt comfy
I felt yummy, I felt the smell of heaven
I felt my soft living pillow---

I fluttered my eyes open adjusting to the light before my eyes landed on the most beautiful human ever, made by Anne Cox.

This woman made a master piece, she should enter the genius world record for making the best creatures in the galaxy. I mean look at Gemma, wooh!

Wait, wait, wait.
Is he really there? Omg.
Sleeping Harry is inches away.
He is there!!!!!!!

Omg! omg! he is shirtless!
In other words, tattoos.
Mesmerizing tattoos.
His Bird-with-eyebrows tattoo.
His Butterfly tattoo.
His ship tattoo.
Omg I am going to die.


I think I'm dead.

R.I.P me.

He is moving, should I get up?
Should I pretend sleeping?


I got up and ran to my bed before he opened his eyes, which unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see.

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