Chapter 19

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Krystal P.O.V

Don't come any closer Harry, another muffled scream interpreted my begging.


Don't come any closer Styles

"Hay you okay? " I heard Harry's voice I blinked a few times.

I nodded picking the charger up and handing it to him; how didn't I pass out?

Well it passed smoothly this time, I need to get him out of here as soon as I can.

"Come with me," I told him

After showing Harry where the car was I handed him the keys. Woody is going to kill me. Oh well, Harry Styles will drive his car he can sell this scrap for hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's not really a horrible car.

I stayed quite for most of the night; examining and analysing my next step. I texted Mariam cause I am going to miss that girl a lot.

I texted Gabi, Cece and Selene as well my only best friends I ever had. They were the people who made me happiest on my sadest days.

The shoulder to cry on, the ones you turn to when you're hurting. the ones who see your flaws but still see through them the perfect you. The ones that remain with you through thick and thin.

Those are real friends.

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I told them about the whole situation.

I could not go without telling them everything "I'm sorry you guys," I spoke into the group call which I should admit was a splendid option.

"How come I'm the last to know about this?" Cece asked.

"A month? Seriously Kris?" Gabi cried.

"I'm sorry," I apologised again "I didn't want to make a big fuzz."

"A big fuzz? Did you fouking lose your mind? You acted like there was nothing happening!" Mariam shouted.

"Guys this is not the right time," Selen said.

"Thank you Sel." I mumbled.

"That doesn't mean I agree with what you did," she continued, I stayed silent.

"How much time do you have?" Asked Gabi.

"A week," I replied hesitatingly.

"We are coming." They all said, I smiled.

"Girls do not," I started.

"Shut up, where should we meet?" Mariam asked. I told them the adress and ended the phone call.

We are to meet on four days.

Hope I last, I should last.
I can do it. I will meet them and explain everything.

I sighed going onto a none peaceful sleep.

29th of Oct

I woke up to the pain and shakily walked to the bathroom. Harry woke up a few minutes later.

After breakfast he got dressed and walked to the bathroom, I watched him embracing the last few moments I get to see him in.

He stood infront of me "I will leave the car where you told me" he said as I nodded smiling.

"You look so pale, are you sick?" Harry asked.

"No, I'm fine." I replied.

"Alright," I gestured him to hug me one last time.

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