Chapter 32

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Hi beauties! Please do me a favor and go check my One Shots book, Astounding 1D Shots.

Harry P. O. V

What now?

This is not going away, I feel so guilty even thinking about her. It's not my nature to just kiss some girl and leave.

I mean no one lives an experience unless it strengths them right! Then what the hell is happening to me?

I just seriously need to talk about this with someone, some might reflect.

"Hay Gem! "

"Hay baby boy!" she answered

"I need to talk to you, are you busy? "

"No, what's wrong are you okay?"

"Yea... No,"

"Harry what's wrong? And where the hell have you been? Couldn't even check on your sister? I would've made you sit on the naughty chair! Not sure if you'd still fit though"

I chuckled, remembering those times I would actually trick her that I was sitting on that chair while I was actually at the movies with my friends. She had some weird obsession with it.

"What's up!" she asked, after obviously sitting.

"I am in love with a girl I met,"

"Well Hallo! "

"Gemma this is serious,"

"Okay, okay. So did you tell her? "

"It's complicated,"

"There's no such thing as complicated, we just make a big fuzz out of everything and give things more importance than they deserve, you guys need to chill. Winning a girl's heart isn't hard at all."

"When did you get so wise?" I asked,

"I've always been kido, so how did you fall in love with her?"

"Everything she does, she's crazy about me though. At least I think so, she says the stupidest jokes ever, she dances and sings and cooks great. If there's two of her in this world, this place would've been so different. She's so beautiful too Gemma, not beautiful like model pretty or something she has a special glow to her. She's a bit short you know like a bit shorter than mom's height or so, I have to pick her up when I hug her, or maybe I just like it when I do. I am ranting aren't I?" I said

"No," she laughed, "it's actually amusing I haven't seen you like this since you were like 12?"

I smiled, "I think you really do love her Haz, look just give your relationship a bit of time. Soon you will know what you are really feeling towards her," I nodded, resting my head on the sofa. "When will you see her again? "

"I don't know I can't get out of here for the next week or so."

"Just go to her take her out when you finish, see how she feels. You said she's a fan?"


"She said that?" Gemma asked laughing.

I rolled my eyes, "do you have anything else to add?"

"Say Hi to your mystery girl, what's her name by the way?"

"Krystal like jewel, but with a K" I answered,

"She said that?"

"Gemma I am hanging up, "

She laughed, "She sounds special Haz, don't let her go till you get to the bottom of these feelings. Love doesn't come twice you know, and you're still young. Give it time, or until you stop repeating her words!" Gemma said

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