Chapter 31

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Krystal P. O. V

Maria whispered smoothly, "have fun, " I shrugged her off walking to Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I asked,

"I had to see you finally get out of there, " he pointed to the building behind me.

"Thanks for coming " I said, my mind unable to comprehend how nice he is.

"Let's go! We are going on a ride!" He said pulling me towards his car.

Before I entered I saw someone unexpected in the passenger seat, "Hay sweetheart, " she hugged me, after stepping out.

I was truly fangirling inside, yet I didn't say anything. Smiling; I looked at Harry who was waiting for me to say something.

"Uhm Hi, I am Krystal. Very happy meeting you," I said I wanted to pull his head out for not telling me, and for that smirke he had on his face.

"Are we actually going to get in the car! Or are we gonna stay here until we turn into little pickles?" Harry said, I smiled, interiorly in love with this dork.

" Leave it to my little brother to crack a pickle joke in the middle of nowhere " she said

We got into the car, I truly looked ridiculous meeting Gemma Styles for the first time in a messy bun and messed out look! Way to go!


Harry P. O. V

I turned the radio on, and started singing to one of my old time favorites. Ain't no sunshine

I stole glances at her in the rearview mirror she had her head sticking out the window, her hair flying she looks so happy and beautiful.

My memory took me back to two weeks ago, when I first stepped out of that hospital. All I wanted to do was have some time out for myself and see my family.

But before I even hauled a Taxi cab ride to take me; alot of paparatzi were already swarming the place. It didn't take long for management to get their hands on me.

"Where have you been the album is dropping two days before official date! "

"Tell me where have you been? Your phone has been off for a month! "

"Get ready you're on the next plan to Rio Brazil! " another said

"I just need some time to.... "

"No time! You took all the time you need, " another one said.

In a couple of hours I was being transferred to the airport.


"Look who decided to show up? " I heard Niall's familiar voice.

"Hay guys! " I maintained my posture.

"Where have you been mate?" Liam asked laughing.

You have no idea ! I thought

" #SearchForHarry is trending for the past 3 weeks or so" Niall said

"You gotta teach me your secrets mate not one paparazzi picture of you has been leaked! " Louis said laughing

I laughed along shaking it off.

Not a Taylor reference. I know you people go crazy on literally everything like Krystal she's so cute when she..... my mental smile faded as I traced down where my thoughts were dragging me.

"It was fun couple of weeks " I explained

"What excatly happened? " Liam asked,

"Guys come on! ready? " one of our tour mangers said, as we were escorted to set for the next 6 hours for interviews.

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