Chapter 16

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Krystal P.O.V

25th of Oct

Wake up wake up it's a brand new day

nothing standing in my way

Sun is up it's a little after 10

I sang jumping on Harry's bed trying to wake him up

it's a perfect day

I continued, can't really remember the lyrics he groaned flipping me off his bed so I fell landing on the floor.

Don't you try and rain on my perfect day

I sang loudly he placed a pillow on his face.

I am in the race but I already won, getting there could be half the fun
so don't stop me until I am good and done
Don't you try and rain on this perfect dayyyyyyy

"Come on wake up its my birthday, you can't stay in all day!"

"Happy birthday, but please let me sleep one more hour, " he begged

"No come on wake up wake up up!" I jumped again

I am Ms. Perfect day

I sang laying on his back singing very rowdy and off key.

Nothing can go wrong

20 minutes later he did not have any other option but to head to the bathroom.

" by far most persistent person to wake someone up I have ever seen you should be handed a silver medal" he said, I smiled proudly his words slowly sinking in.

"why not golden?" I asked

" because you woke me up when I did not want to" he said drinking water.

"okay first things first we need to make special breakfast, with your ridiculous good cookies. We are going to test your bakery abilities now. And a huge cake, I dress up and you should probably be ready by then to give me the huge cake and surprise me by  singing  Happy Birthday to you for me then....."

" hold up" Harry said placing a hand over my mouth "I surprise you with your plan?"

"I will pretend to be surprised I'm great at that"  "then we can take loads of pictures and like sing and dance like crazy Drunk in Love people!" I ended

He looked like a drunk zombie already. "No, I'm sleepy. Bye" he said, my smile failed and was replaced with a huge frown.

" no Harry please do not leave me alone today" I begged holding him

"Krsy please let go" he said

"please please please I say to infinity and beyond"

"okay fine I'll bake this cake quickly and then I'm going to bed" he said

"Won't sing happy birthday to me?"

" and that and..." he said I cut him off hugging him that he stumbled back but he thankfully caught balance of him and I.

"Yes! Thank you you are the best I love you so much" I screamed "okay! okay! tell me what you want me to do I will help you with this heavenly cake we will do" I said letting go I noticed he was not concentrating. "Harry!" I waved my hand in front of his face.

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