Chapter 6 Dont worry, jack-a-boys got ye

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Okay guys for now on I'm going to have a least one new chapter every day......if I can.


Jack took my hand and guided me to the nurses office.(SHUT UP NURSE!sorry I had to) Jack opened the door. The smell of bandages and cotton balls filled the room."Well...Hello there" you look over to see a women around her 40's in a white lab coat, white pants, and white shoes. "Hello nurse Retta. My friend here doesn't feel to well." Jack said to the lady. "Oh...that's too bad." She said in a sad tone "should we call your mother or father and send you home?" She asked you.

You never really talked to people about it but your parents are Zoologists.

Zoologists are life scientists who study animals, observing them in the laboratory and in their natural habitat. They study the origin and development of species as well as their habits. Anyway.....

You never really got to see your parents. They would be gone for such long amount of times. Though they sent money so that's all good. "Well actually....." You start to say "m-my parents aren't going to be home for a couple of months..." You say. Sadly you where used to not having any authority figures around you but you still wish you could see them more often. "Oh....well we ca-" "She can wait here and I can drive her home later" Jack said with a worried smile on his face as he cut of Retta. You look at him and he looked away at Retta. "I mean there is only 45 minutes left until school is over" he said. "Sure she can stay...but it's up to you Y/N" Retta looks at you, you look at Jack "Sure, I guess that would be fine" you say with a smile. "Great! Now you Mr. You should be getting to class" Reatta said staring down Jack. He left and you waited for school to be over.


"You ready?" You here as you turn your head to see Jack. His cheeks got red and he smiles and looked away. Is he okay?

Jack POV

The bell rang and I ran to Y/N! I really hope she was okay. I ran into the office and saw her sitting there. Her ___ hair resting upon her head, her ____ eyes sparkled as she waited for me, her _____ coloured sweatshirt rested nicely and one side hung slightly over her shoulder. "You ready to go?" I asked her. She looked my way and smiled! I couldn't take it! She is just way to.....


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