Chapter 11 Lunch

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Let's just skip to lunch. Btw Mark said yes. Well he didn't really say yes.  Flashback to what Mark said....

Y/N: hey Mark, you wanna have lunch with us?

Mark: Yeah, sure...

Y/N: *smiles* okay cool *waves as you start to walk off* Bye Jack a boy!

Jack: Bye Y/N

------End of Morning flashback--------------

You walk into the cafeteria, hoping to spot Jack but you couldn't find him. Which may I remind you is weird because you usually get their after Jack does. You get your Food and Sit down at the table you and Jack usually sit at. 10 MINUTES LATER. Jack comes running into the cafeteria laughing his Butt off, and oh what a splendid surprise😒Mark comes in after him. As well laughing his butt off. They get there food and sit at a table away from you. EXUSE ME! You think to yourself. At this point clearly you would be annoyed, and you where so you decide to stand up and walk over to your friend and Mark. "Hey Jack" you say to him. You Sorry im busy today down across from them and set down your tray. "Oh hey Y/N, what are you doing here?" Said to you. 'EXUSE ME' you think to yourself. "Jack" you say to him kind of sounding disappointed. "What" he said as if he did nothing wrong. "We always sit next to each other at lunch." You give him kind of this look😶😶😶😶😶
"Oh yeah, sorry abou-" he gets cut off by Marks obnoxious group of friends, or the 'Cool Kids' "Hey dude, what's up" the one asked Jack. Felix. Along with Wade, Bob, and Ken. "Not much, what about you guys" Jack replied. "We're good" Ken says as the all decide to pile next to me!! Knocking me on to the ground. "Oh sorry, sweetheart, I didn't see you there" Wade said giving me an evil smirk. LIAR! I wanted to scream but didn't. I stood up, and walked out. As if Jack will notice anyway...

I'm sorry don't kill me everything will eventually be okay.

Hallways  (Jacksepticeye X reader)Where stories live. Discover now