Chapter 14

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As I ran out of the cafeteria I ran past a boy, he asked me if I was okay. I explained to him what had happened and he asked me to dinner later, of corse not a date, he just wanted to make me feel better, and it did. I said yes and we talked a little while longer until we split into separate directions. I stopped him and asked for his name. Matthias. His name was Matthias, I think we are gonna be good friends, it's hard to make friends for me.....but when I mat Jack it was felt right. Now he avoided me and I don't really want to be at school right now. I walked over to the nurses office and told her I wasn't feeling well. She let me go home. I walked out the front doors and I headed home. There was only 45 mins of school left and the last period was gym so I won't have to worry about homework. I got to my house and unlocked the door to walk inside. It's so weird, I thought to myself, just this morning Jack and I where laughing and joking around in the car in our way to school. Now I'm walking alone. I needed to get him out of my head. I walked over to my kitchen and made my self a sandwich, Jack likes these types of sandwiches. UGH seriously. Come on Y/N it's okay just forget him. "I can't" I say out loud to nobody. I walked upstairs and opened my door to my room and sat on my bed, pulling out papers from my backpack. I took out a paper. It was a drawing of Jack and you that he poorly drew. It was you both as stick figures. This made me laugh but then it quickly faded away. I looked at the picture a little more until a strong wind came through my window and took the paper from my hands. I stood up and quickly tried to grab it but it flew out my window into the streets. "Ugh... Seriously " I said a little to loud. I looked down at the window sill. "Jack you idiot" you chuckle remembering what happen to the screen of it. Jack and you were playing with a football in your room when he tackled you to the ground causing you to throw the ball through the window breaking the screen. "You just can't get him off your mind can't you" I say to myself as I walk over to my laptop. I open it up and go to YouTube. "There's probably something I can watch to get my mind off him" I go onto YouTube. "Of corse" I said as I scroll through my recommend, "All Jacksepticeye" I said as I began to search for 'try not to laugh challenges' when I herd a knock at my door. "What? who could be here" I said as I made my way down stairs. I opened the door. "Oh hey".

Jack POV

I walked out of the cafeteria and I saw the doors of the school close from all they way down the hallway. There was a girl who just left the school, I found that odd but I thought to where I could find Y/N. I quickly walked down the hallway peeking my head through the doors of the classrooms as I walked by. I've been past every single classroom in the school, I know she's not in the washroom because she always tells me how she refuses to go at school because the washrooms where gross. Where could she be.......NURSE! I mentally screamed. I broke into full on sprinting to the Nurses office, I slowed down and barged through the door. The Nurse looked at me with shock. "Oh Sean your sweating and your face is all red" she said as she looked at me. "And you gasping for air" she filled her voice with concern "you must have an allergic reaction to something, here this will help" she said as she started pointing a needle towards my skin. "No!" I said as I gasped again "I *gasp* I just ran around *gasp* The school looking for *gasp* Y/N." Managed to finish my sentence. "Ohhhhh. I thought you would have been the first to know" she put away the needle. "What-Wait- first to know what?" "She went home sick" "wa-" "yes Sean. She said she had a headache so I sent her home to get some rest" she told me as she pushed me out of the office. "Wait" I said as she shut the door behind me.


The bell rang and I knew what I had to do. I ran as fast as I could out of the school yard and to the parking lot. Other students where making their way out the doors as well which didn't help my situation. I managed to get to my car and I drove in the direction of Y/N house. Her favourite song came on in the car,_________. I could picture her singing and dancing to it in the passenger seat. I continued to drive when a piece of paper got caught on my wind shield wipers. I stopped the car and got out. I looked at the paper, and it was the drawing I drew of Y/N and me as stick people. I got back into car and drove to her home. I got out and walked to her door. I knocked a few times and no answer. I tried opening the door and it was locked. "That's strange" I said to myself "maybe she isn't home yet" I say as I find her contact in my phone. I try calling her and no answer. 'Where is she.'

I got back to writing the story. I'm gonna try to write everyday if I can so I'm sorry for the month break.

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