Chapter 12

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____meaning fill in the blank ex; ___and___ could be blonde and straight, or long and curly etc. ANYWAY READ!!


As I was walking towards the cafeteria I saw a girl running down the hall. It looked like she came from the lunch room. "Hey" I said "are you alright" she stopped and looked at me. She had ____hair, it was ____ and____. Her eyes where a nice shade of ____ and she was wearing a ____shirt, ___jeans___shoes and a ___sweatshirt around her waist. I recognized her. "Hey, I know you" I said to her. She looked at me shocked, "You do?" She asked. I smiled "yeah your Jacks friend Y/N right?" She smiled, but it quickly faded. "Yeah, I guess....I am" I was confused. I hang out with another one of Jacks friends, his names Mark, but I don't believe Y/N and him get along. She looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked her hoping she would tell me. She explained to me how Mark and his group of friends treated her in the lunch room, how Jack didn't do or say anything to help her. "What Jerks" I said a little anger hissed as I spoke. "How could they be so rude to you?" I thought out loud to myself as well making it a question. She shook her head to me "I don't know" she said. I could tell how much she wanted to leave and forget about this day. I don't know how to cheer up girls. "Maybe we could get something to eat later to get your mind off things?" I said. OH WAIT! I HOPE SHE DOESNT THINK IM ASKING HER OUT!!! Oh no! What have I done. "Sure" she said. "W-wha-......uh..okay" I said surprised on how she wasn't creeped out by me. "It's not a date though right" she said sounding nervous. "What n-no I wasn't asking t-to be a d-date I just w-wanted you to get your mind of things" I said smiling. "Oh..well thank you" she says, she smiled back which made me fell at least 50% better. "Okay, I'll se you later" I waved and started to walk way. "O-oh okay, bye and thank you" she said waving and smiling back. "Wait!" She yelled to me. I turned around. "What's your name, I didn't catch it." "My names Mattias" I smiled and walked toward the cafeteria... I still have one thing I need to do....

Mattias is now gonna be in the story! Don't worry you won't fall in love! Just think of him as your G.B.F
But not Gay. So S.B.F

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