And We're Back

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Chapter 1

“Luna.... Luna....” a voice said. “Luna.... Luna....”

Luna shot straight up in bed. “Jessie?” she asked.

Then Luna heard a familiar laugh. She looked to her left and saw Rory laughing. Luna then quickly got out of bed and strangled Rory. “Don't do that ever again,” she threatened him. “Or I swear I'll...”

“Good morning,” Mrs. Keaner said as she walked into Luna's room.

Luna then let go of Rory's neck with her hand. She then backed away from him like never ever happened. “Hey, mom,” Luna greeted her mother.

“Hi, Luna,” she replied raising an eyebrow. “What were you doing to your brother?”

Luna faked smiled. “Nothing....?” she answered.

“Luna, this is not what siblings should do,” her mother scolded her like she always did. “Rory could of seriously been hurt. I'm not very happy at you young lady.”

“I'm sorry,” Luna said.

Mrs. Keaner shook her head. “Sorry isn't going to cut it. You know what that means, right?” her mother asked.

Luna sighed and shook her head. “Why?” she asked. “I'll be lonely then.”

“Luna, you were bad,” her mother told her. “Therefore you can't have boys over this weekend. If you'd like to have some of your girl friends then yes, but no boys.”

Luna rolled her eyes and slipped on one of her dresses. “Now, you guys are late for school. You better go hurry and catch the bus,” Mrs. Keaner said.

Luna and Rory nodded as if they were going to take the bus. They then looked at each other and went downstairs. They then zoomed there way off to school.

It had been a month since Les Miserables, so nothing much has happened since then. Luna and Benny are still together. That would be CRAZY if they weren't. But they are, don't worry.

Luna hasn't talked to Ethan since the night before opening night of the play. That is how mad she was at him.

Luna walked into school with her backpack slung over her shoulder. She saw Benny at his locker, she then walked up to him. “Hey, Benny,” she said smiling.

“Hello there, Loones,” he said smiling too.

Luna saw Ethan out of the corner of her eye. She looked and watched him walk by. Benny didn't notice. “So, can I come over today?” Benny asked.

Luna sighed. “Sorry, no,” she answered. “I'm in trouble right now.”

“For what?” Benny asked.

“I strangled Rory,” Luna answered.

“Oh,” Benny said. “It couldn't of really harmed him though.”

Luna shrugged. “My mom doesn't know that.”

“Yeah,” Benny said.

“Sorry,” Luna apologized.

“It's fine,” Benny told her.

Then the bell rung. Luna then walked to class. As she was walking, someone tapped on her shoulder. Luna turned around and saw Ethan there. Luna stopped to look at him and rolled her eyes.

“What?” she asked unenthusiastically.

“Hello to you too,” Ethan said. “Anyways, I was wondering if you could babysit tonight? My parents are going to some silent auction or whatever. They can't go unless they have a sitter. And Jane personally requested you.”

Luna stopped and thought about it. She liked Jane. She then texted her mom and asked if she could. Her mom replied back. Luna sighed and looked back at Ethan. “Alright,” she answered, “I'll do it for Jane.”

Ethan smiled. “Great, see you tonight,” he told her.

Luna then walked away and thought of how perfect her Friday night is going to be.

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