The Power of the Music of the Night

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Chapter 7

Around 7:50, Luna left her house and started walking down the street to the Morgan's house. She liked walking better than running. She then got to the door and knocked on it.

Mrs. Morgan came out. “Hello, dear,” she greeted her. “I hope you don't mind that we just leave like this.” She then got some suitcases and left through the front door. “Mr. Morgan has already left, I'm assuming Ethan told you that we're getting divorced.”

Luna nodded. “He did,” she said. She then followed Mrs. Morgan to her car and helped her put some of her stuff in the trunk.

“Thank you,” she told Luna.

“It's no problem,” she replied.

Mrs. Morgan than hopped in the driver's seat. “Remember that they can go to bed at anytime before 11:00,” she reminded Luna. “You know all the rules, don't you?” Luna nodded. Mrs. Morgan than waved. “Thanks, Luna! Bye!”

Mrs. Morgan than drove away. Luna then took her little spend the night bag and brought it inside the house. She went inside the house and found Jane watching Austin & Ally. Luna then immediately changed the channel. Jane looked at her. “Can you please change it back?” she asked.

Luna shook her head and pointed to the TV. She changed it to Spongebob Squarepants. “This generation knows nothing about television,” she told her. “That is why I always turn to the cartoons.”

“Luna, what are you doing?” Ethan asked coming into the living room.

“I'm teaching Jane how to tell if a show is good or not,” she answered. “And she was watching a VERY shitty show.”

Jane gasped. “You said a bad word!” she said.

“Oops, my bad,” Luna apologized. She then pointed to Spongebob. “I prefer Spongebob over Austin and stupid Ally.”

Ethan nodded. “Me too,” he agreed.

“But I don't even watch TV,” Luna told them. “I watch movies and listen to music.”

“Speaking of movies,” Jane said getting up from the couch. She then walked over to Luna. “Did you bring any more good movies?”

Luna sheepishly smiled. “I did,” she replied. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a movie case.

Jane took it and looked strangely at it. “Mamma Mia,” she read. She then looked at Luna. “What is this one about?”

“This is about a girl who has three men who could be her father, but she doesn't know who is her real father.”

“Is it scary?” Jane asked.

Luna shrugged. “If you call group numbers scary, like I do, than yes very scary,” she told her.

Ethan than took the movie from Jane and put it in the DVD player. The movie started.

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope, a melody,” the opening song played.

* * *

They finished the movie around 10:15. “You tired?” Luna asked Jane as she got up to put the movie away.

Jane nodded her head. “A little,” she answered.

Luna then helped Jane up from the couch and brought her up to her room. She tucked her in bed and left. She then walked downstairs where Ethan was. He was by the DVD player putting another movie in.

“What are we going to watch next?” Luna asked. “Please tell me it's not Star Wars.”

Ethan shook his head. “It's not,” he assured her. “It's something that you'll like.”

“Really?” Luna asked. “What is it?”

Ethan than sat down on the couch with her. He covered her face with a pillow to make it a surprise. He started the movie and he lowered the pillow. The screen was a sepia color. Then in a cursive like font, it said The Phantom of the Opera.

Luna squealed. “I knew you'd like it,” he told her.

Ethan planned this moment. He wanted her to want to watch this with him. He even memorized the song Music of the Night, just for this.

They watched the as the boring black and white scenery turned into golden statues. The camerawork was beautiful. They watched the movie.

During Angel of Music, Luna rested her head on Ethan's shoulder. Ethan smiled. A few minutes later, the title song played. Then after that, Music of the Night began to play.

They listened until Ethan looked at her and lifted her chin up. “Slowly, gently, night unfurls it's splendor,” he sang. He then reached for Luna's hand and held it. “Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.”

“Ethan what are you...?” Luna asked but got interrupted by Ethan shushing her in a sweet way.

Turn your face away from the garish light of day. Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light. And listen to the music of the night,” he sang to her.

Luna laughed. “Really Ethan,” she said. “What are you doing?”

Ethan then stood up and grabbed Luna's hands. He then helped her get up. “Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams, purge all thoughts of the life you knew before,” he sang as they walked closer to the stairs. “Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar.

They then stopped. Ethan was on the first step and Luna was still on the ground floor. “And you'll live, as you've never lived before.”

They then started to walk again. They slowly went up the stairs without taking their eyes off each other. “Softly, deftly, music shall surround you,” he started to sing again. “Hear it, feel it, closing in around you. Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind.” Ethan then led her into his room. “To this darkness which you know you cannot fight, the darkness of the music of the night.

Ethan then let go of her hands and walked in a circle around her. “Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world, leave all thoughts of the world you knew before,” he sang.

Ethan stopped and gently laid Luna on top of his bed. “Let your soul take you where you long to be!” he sang. He then pushed some hair out of her eyes. “Only then, can you belong to me.”

Luna then pulled Ethan down to her. She then slowly leaned in and kissed him. Ethan couldn't believe this. Learning that song really was worth it. Luna then slipped her dress off, revealing her pink bra and black underwear. She also took Ethan's shirt off. She didn't know why she's never gone this far with Benny, but she just had an urge to do so with Ethan tonight.

You say that I'm messing with your head, all cause I was making out with your friend, “What the Hell” by Avril Lavigne.

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