A Better Doctor

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Chapter 13

Luna woke up in the forest world all alone. She looked around for Jesse, but he wasn't anywhere. She lied her head on the pillow in the bed she was lying in. She just lied there and thought about her life.

Just then, a weird noise was coming through the trees. "Jesse?" she asked. "Is that you?"

The noise then stopped. There was a dimly lit blue light coming from the trees. Luna stepped closer.

"Jesse?" she asked again.

"No, I'm not Jesse," someone replied in a British voice. Just then a man stepped out. He was extremely skinny and had the best brown hair that was just perfect. "I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?" she wondered.

"Just the Doctor," he replied.

"How did you get here?" she questioned him.

He shrugged. "My TARDIS kind of went out of control and brought me here to you," he said.

"TARDIS?" she asked. "What's a TARDIS?"

"It is my... spaceship," he responded.

Luna laughed. "You're kidding, right?"

The Doctor smiled and shook his head. "Nope, I promise," he said. "Want to see?"

Luna slowly nodded. "Sure," she said.

"Allon-sy!" he exclaimed as he ran deeper into the woods. He then stopped at a big blue box that read "Police Public Call Box" on it.

The Doctor walked inside and Luna followed. Luna's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "It's bigger on the inside!" she declared.

"Yeah, everyone says that," he said.

The Doctor then closed the TARDIS doors. He then started pressing some buttons. "What are you doing?" she questioned him.

"I'm getting you out of here," he told her.

"What makes you think I want out?" Luna asked. "What if I wanted to stay?"

"You didn't want to stay," he told her.

Luna leaned on the railing that surround the inside of the ship. "How do you know?" she wondered.

The Doctor looked at her. "I could tell," he said solemnly.

"How? Are you a mind reader?" she wondered. "My friend Tara is."

The Doctor laughed. "I am not a mind reader," he said. "I'm a time lord."

"A what?"

"A time lord," he repeated himself. "From Galifrey."

"I'm sorry, Galifrey?" she asked. "Is that like some other planet?"

"Yep," he said.

"Sorry, you're an alien?" she asked.

"I'd think that if I was from another planet I'd be an alien," he stated. "You know, your an alien to me. Alien is a very racist term."

Luna laughed. "So you're an alien from another planet?" she repeated.

"I think we already went over that," the Doctor said. "And your from Earth, correct?"

Luna nodded. "Yes."

"Why were you here?" he asked. "You do know you're not supposed to go through time windows, right?"

"A time window?" Luna asked. "What is that?"

"A window or a mirror or something that the viewer can see through," he explained. "Who was looking through at you, though?"

"Jesse," she replied.

"What type of alien is he?" the Doctor wondered.

"He's not an alien," she told him. "He's a vampire."

The Doctor shook his head. "There are no such thing as vampires."

"Yeah there are, I'm one too," she stated.

"But that's impossible," he murmured.

"Says the alien," she remarked.

The Doctor then ignored the vampires and started pushing buttons and pulling levers. The ship started moving. then short after they stopped.

The Doctor nudged his head toward the door. Luna then walked over to the door and opened it. She stepped outside and saw the front of her house. There were police cars and caution tape everywhere. Luna then ran back inside the TARDIS.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "That's where you live, right?"

"Yeah, but I can't go out there," she explained. "I'll get arrested."

"Oh," he said. "Any reason why?"

"If rather not say," she told him.

The Doctor sheugged. "If you insist," he said.

"Can we go down a few blocks?" Luna asked.

"Sure, why?"

"There's someone I need to see," she told him.

The Doctor then went down three blocks of houses and showed up on Benny's street.

Luna poked her head out of the door. She saw Benny in his window at his desk crying it looked like. Luna quickly dialed his number. She heard it ring from the open window. Benny picked it up.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Come outside," she told him. Luna then hung up.

Benny came down the stairs and out the door. He saw Luna's head peeking out of the TARDIS. He ran up to her and Luna stepped out and hugged him.

"I love you," she told him

"I love you, too," he responded. He then saw the Doctor outside the TARDIS staring at them. "Who's he?" he asked.

"That's the Doctor," Luna responded. "He's an alien."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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