The Doctor's

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Chapter 9

As Luna walked through the door of her house, she saw her mother standing there. “Luna, ready to go to the doctors?” she asked smiling.

Luna frowned. “No,” she answered. She then slipped by her mom and started to walk upstairs. Her mother then quickly grabbed the back of her dress and pulled it back down.

“I don't think so,” she said. She then brought Luna out to her car and Mrs. Keener drove Luna to the doctor's office.

Luna sat back and crossed her arms the entire drive over there. “I don't want to go to the doctors,” she mumbled.

“I'm sorry, but you have to,” Mrs. Keener told her.

They were silent the entire ride over. Mrs. Keener then brought her into the doctor's while holding onto her arm so she wouldn't get away. They walked in and Mrs. Keener signed Luna in. They sat for awhile in the waiting room.

Then one of the nurses came out. “Luna Keener,” she called.

Mrs. Keener then stood up and practically dragged Luna into the room. Luna sat down on a chair and crossed her arms.

“Hello, Luna,” the nurse said smiling.

“Hi,” Luna sad expressionless.

“I'm Nurse Vicky,” she said. Nurse Vicky had brown eyes and brown hair, the stereo type nurse. She then turned to Mrs. Keener. “You know you don't have to stay in here.”

Mrs. Keener nodded. “I know, but I hope it's alright if I just stay in here,” she said.

Nurse Vicky nodded and took out her clipboard. “So, Luna,” she said clicking her pen ready to write. “Do you play any sports?”

Luna sighed. She was asking the usual doctor questions. “No,” Luna answered.

“What types of vegetables do you eat?” she asked.

“None,” Luna answered.

Nurse Vicky wrote down everything on her clipboard. “What do you eat?” she asked.

Luna paused. Blood, she wanted to say. She doesn't eat any human food, unless you count human's themselves. She then said the first thing that popped into her head. “McDonald's,” she answered.

Nurse Vicky laughed. “Really, honey, what do you eat?” she asked.

Luna sighed. “Blood,” she truthfully said.

Nurse Vicky laughed again. Luna glanced over at her mother and saw she was feeling uncomfortable. “I'm sorry, she's a little creative,” Mrs. Keener apologized.

“It's fine, we'll just skip that question,” Nurse Vicky said. “How about we take your temperature?”

Luna nodded slowly. Nurse Vicky then took a thermometer out and placed it under Luna's tongue. Nurse Vicky waited a few seconds, then looked at her thermometer. Nurse Vicky made a surprised face. “That's weird,” she said. “Your temperature is 72 degrees.”

Nurse Vicky looked over at the thermostat. “That's the room temperature,” she muttered. “Maybe my thermometer isn't cooperating. We'll try it again at the end of our assessment.”

Luna sat down on the chair waiting for the next instrument to be pulled out. Nurse Vicky reached into her bag and took out a stethoscope. “Let's see how your heart is beating,” Nurse Vicky said with a smile as she put the ear buds in.

Luna shook her head quickly. “Don't worry, it doesn't even hurt,” Nurse Vicky told her.

Luna shook her head again and walked to the other side of the room. “Luna, sit down,” her mother instructed.

Luna shook her head once more. Mrs. Keener then grabbed her daughter and had her sit in her lap. She held her down the best she could. Nurse Vicky then came over and placed the stethoscope on her heart. She waited...

… and waited....

… and waited....

….and waited....

No heartbeat. “I can't hear your heartbeat,” Nurse Vicky said. She then moved the stethoscope all around her chest area to see if she could hear it. Nothing. She then used her hand to see if she could feel it. Nothing.

“That's impossible,” Nurse Vicky stated. “If your freezing... and have no heartbeat. You must be dead.”

Mrs. Keener shook her head. “Luna is not dead,” she said. “If she was dead, then she wouldn't be here.”

Nurse Vicky's face turned white. “You say you drink blood....” she then put the pieces together. “Your a vampire!” she screamed.

Nurse Vicky was about the run out of the room, but Luna got to the door first. “Bingo,” Luna said with a smirk. She then sucked the life out of Nurse Vicky.

When Nurse Vicky had fallen to the ground, Luna wiped her mouth and looked at her mother. Mrs. Keener was in total horror of what she just witnessed. “The... the... the not eating...” Mrs. Keener staggered. “The... the... getting home late.... the...”

“I'm a vampire, mom,” Luna confessed. “So is Rory.”

Mrs. Keener cowered on the chair she was sitting on. Luna got closer to her. “You're a demon,” Mrs. Keener told her daughter. “A monster!” Luna was shocked to hear her mother say that to her. She felt tears building up in her eyes. “My daughter certainly wouldn't kill anybody.”

“But I am your daughter,” Luna told her as a tear rolled down her face. “Nothing is different, minus the few times I'm hungry. But that is it!”

Mrs. Keener shook her head. “You are not my daughter,” she said sternly.

Luna then let a stream flow of tears come down her face. Her sadness turned to anger. She then had all the anger build up inside her. She then charger at her mother. “Then you are not my mother,” she told her. “You are my lunch.”

Within the same second, she had deflated her mother. All that was left was her shriveled up body. Luna wiped her mouth and jumped out the window crying. She had just killed her own mother.

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