Stay or Go

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Chapter 11

Rory never came home that night. So Luna woke up alone in her house and walked slowly to school. She was deeply depressed. When she arrived at school she walked don the hallway. People cleared the way as she walked down it. Then they all threw paper at her. After the paper came pencils, then pens, then books, and then the kids who bring their lunch, threw their lunch at her.

“Murderer!” the kids were yelling.

“You killed your own mother!” they were also shouting.

Luna kept her head down and tried to drown out the sound. Luna skipped all her classes and cried in the bathroom. “I hate life,” she muttered to herself. “Now I live it forever.”

“Do you want to live I like this?” someone asked. “Or have it better?”

Luna looked around and saw her dear old friend in the mirror. She closed her eyes and looked down. “Hello, Jesse,” she said.

Jesse smiled. “Hello, darling,” he said. “How about you leave this pathetic world filled with mortals, and come live with me in my world.”

Luna closed her eyes again and thought. She then held out her hand for him and he pulled her through the mirror. He carried her in to where he normally took her. He snapped his fingers and a comfortable bed appeared. He set her down on it. He snapped his fingers again and a big comfortable chair appeared. He sat down in it.

“So, Luna,” he started. “How are you doing?”

Luna turned over and let some tears fall. “I'm not doing well,” she told him. “I killed my mother.”

“I killed my mother too,” he told her. He then got up and put his hand on her shoulder. “It'll get better.”

Luna took his hand off and sat up. “No it won't,” she said. “I killed my mother. You can kill family because you are heartless. I have a heart.... I think.”

Jesse sat down beside her and put his arm around her. “Luna, if I was heartless, would I love you?” he asked.

Luna placed her head on his shoulder. “I guess you have at least a quarter of a heart,” she muttered. “But what do I do? I've never been hated before.”

“It'll all go away,” he told her. “Being hated isn't all that bad. I'm hated, and I have my own world.”

Luna smiled a little bit. “I've been adored by everyone though,” she said. “And I'm a suspect, what if they arrest me?”

Jesse then hugged her. “You want get arrested,” he told her.

“How do you know?” Luna asked.

“Because they won't find you,” he comforted her. “You'll be here.”

Luna looked up at him. “For how long?” she asked.

“Forever,” he whispered.

Luna jumped. “But what about Rory, Ethan, and Benny?” Luna asked.

Jesse let go of her and did a motion with his hands to form a cluster of gray mist. Inside the mist was what was going on in the real world right now. In his mist they saw Rory looking angry, and not being the fun loving Rory. Ethan looked shocked or he was thinking about something. Ethan even started writing girl's names on a piece of paper. Then there was Benny. Benny looked even more depressed than Luna did.

“Can I ever see them again?” Luna asked.

Jesse shrugged. “That's up to you,” he told her. “If you want to get caught by the police, or if you want to stay here and stay with me.”

Luna laid down on the bed. “I'll stay here for a little while, just until I feel like going back.”

Jesse smiled and tucked Luna into the bed. He then kissed her forehead. “I love you, Luna,” he told her as he turned off the lighting in the forest.

“I love you too,” Luna said as she cuddled in the covers.

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