The News

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Chapter 5

The Friday Luna went back, she felt a little bit better. Just a smidgen though, not a whole lot. She was still super depressed though. “Hey, Luna,” Ethan said trying to catch up to Luna in the hallways.

“What?” Luna asked flatly.

“Do you mind babysitting tonight?” Ethan asked.

“No,” Luna told him.

Ethan sighed. “Please?” he asked. “My parents are getting divorced and they want to go out and be free for the weekend.”

Luna stopped and looked at him. “Your parents are getting divorced?” she asked him.

“Yeah,” Ethan answered her.

“Since when?” Luna asked.

“Well, remember when they went to the silent auction?” Ethan asked. “Instead of going to a silent auction, they went to the courthouse to say they want to get divorced.”

“I'm so sorry,” Luna gave her sympathy. She then hugged him. “That must be really hard for you.”

Ethan nodded. “Very,” he said.

“Yeah, of course I'll babysit,” she told him.

Ethan smiled. “Great, see you tonight,” he said.

“What time?” Luna asked.

“Eight,” he answered.

Luna nodded. “See you at eight,” she said as she wen to her next class.

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