Heart Wrench

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Chapter 4

When the weekend was over, Luna went back to school. She walked in through the school doors fighting back tears. She didn't want to break up with Benny. It wasn't fair.

She tried to ignore him all day so she wouldn't have to do it, but when the final bell rung, he got her.

“Why haven't you talked to me all day?” Benny asked. Luna didn't answer. “Was it something I did?”

Luna looked up and let her tears all go. Her face was completely red and she was trying to wipe her tears with her sleeve. “Oh my gosh, are you pregnant?” Benny asked. “You know it's illegal.”

Luna didn't even laugh or smile at his comment. Instead she shook her head. “We can't be together,” she finally told him.

Benny's face fell. “Why?” he asked.

Luna shook her head and cried some more. “I just can't be with you,” she said.

“Can you please tell me why?” Benny asked.

Luna closed her eyes to think of something. She then opened them. “Because I just can't,” she replied.

“Do you like someone else?” Benny wondered.

Luna looked up to answer him, but then she turned and left. She ran out of the school before he could catch up to her. She ran home at lightning speed and went inside. She went up to her room and closed the door behind her.

As Luna was face down on her bed crying, someone knocked on the door. “Come in,” Luna said to the bed.

Then someone walked in. Luna didn't know who because she didn't want to look up. “Are you alright?” Rory asked.

Luna looked up and saw Rory standing over her. Luna then shook her head slowly.

“What's wrong?” Rory asked.

“I broke up with Benny,” she told him.

Rory sat back. “Why?” he asked. “You two love each other.”

Luna then felt tears coming. “I know but...” she then stopped her sentence. “Just go.”

Rory nodded and left. He understood his sister's privacy. He left his sister lying there. Luna then flopped her face down on the covers again. While she was crying, she heard her door lock and her window curtains close.

She was too depressed to care though. She then felt something pet her head. “There, there,” a familiar voice said. “Now I won't have to kill Benny.”

Luna then turned over and saw Jesse standing there. She then lied on her back. “I killed his heart,” she told him.

Jesse then pushed her hair back and sat on the bed. “Well, now you have me,” he replied.

Jesse then put his hand on her stomach. His hand then went up her body. Luna took his hand and swatted it away. “Leave me alone,” she told him as she turned over on her stomach.

Within a second the curtains parted letting some sunlight in and the door unlocked. She looked up and saw he was gone. Luna then huddled under her covers and didn't come out till Friday.

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