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Chapter 12

“Rory,” Ethan said into his microphone on Xbox Live, “what's up with you?”

“Yeah, you looked really angry today,” Benny added. “What's up?”

Rory stayed silent. “I really don't want to talk about it,” he finally replied.

“Your sister didn't really talk a lot today either,” Ethan told him. He then paused. “Come to think of it, I don't really remember seeing her after 3rd period.”

“Me either,” Benny agreed. “Is she doing alright?”

Rory grunted angrily into the microphone. “Stop worrying about her!” he yelled at them. “She's worthless!”

“Whoa, Rory,” Benny said. “Calm down.”

“Calm down?!” he screamed. Rory then exited the game. He turned off his console and threw the controller across the room. He then flopped back on his bed and rubbed his eyes. He'd never gone this long without doing something ridiculous. He stood up and walked to his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror.

“Rory,” he told himself starting his pep-talk, “pull yourself together. Mom is in a better place..... but she got brutally murdered by Luna!!!!”

He stormed out of his bathroom and into Luna's room. He walked in and looked around. Then he just had a rampage throughout the entire room. He flipped things over, he messed things up, he broke things. When he was finished it looked horrid. Her bed was all messed up with a torn comforter. All her Broadway posters were ripped to pieces. Her stuff animals were missing body parts. It was just awful.

Rory stood there and looked at everything with anger, he then looked around and started to cry. He felt awful. He looked on Luna's bed and saw her favorite stuffed bunny with her head off. He then cried some more. He took it downstairs and tried to glue it, but it didn't work. He then sat on the couch and cried into a pillow. He'd turned into a monster.

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