01 | Trio

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"You know Selena and Demi aren't friends anymore?" Bella asks as she pops the small pill in her mouth. 

"Word? That's crazy," I say before pausing. "you still have a headache?" I ask referring to the ibuprofen and water bottle in her hands. 

She nods before shrugging. "I think my bun has been too tight on set." Bella has been in theater for awhile and of course she's currently doing the cliché, Romeo and Juliet. 

"Do you know why they aren't friends anymore?" I ask suddenly becoming interested. 

"I assume it's because of Taylor. She's known for wrecking numerous friendships and relationships around. And trust me, a boy was somehow involved." Bella says rolling her eyes. 

"I wouldn't be surprised." I say grabbing a banana. 

"I just hope we don't end up like that." Bella says coming to sit next to me. "

Yeah, me neither."



"Huh?" I ask suddenly jerking upward.

 "I've been trying to wake you up." Trevor says rolling his eyes. I follow his same actions, 

"I wouldn't be tired if we hadn't gone out." I groan. 

"But we had fun." He says pouting. I crack a small smile and peck his lips. He didn't miss the opportunity to let his hands travel down to my butt. "Looks like it's gonna be a good morning." He smirks.

"Daddy!" I quickly move apart from Trevor and watch him pick up his daughter. 

"Hey baby!" He says enthusiastically. I smile as she shows off her few teeth. 

"Hey Laura." I say softly. She looks at me and smiles softly at her lap. 

"Are you hungry?" Trevor asks her and she immediately nods her head.

Trevor and I met three years ago at a mutual home warming. He liked my style and I loved his flow. He asked me to be in his music video and I seen it as a perfect opportunity to let my modeling career start. We started actually talking two years ago. It was going great until one of his one night stands claimed she was pregnant. And as you can see the baby ended up being his. I wasn't mad because we weren't together yet. It actually helped us grow because I got to witness a side of him that made me sparkle.

"Laura, how does pancakes sound?" I ask slipping out of bed. 

She nods her head. "Great!" She says forcing the word out to the best of her ability. 

"I'm gonna get her dressed for the day." Trevor says picking up her up and leaving the room.

I laid out the food on the table awaiting the arrival of Laura and Trevor. I managed to make vegan pancakes with strawberries on top, oatmeal, and fresh orange juice.

"It smells lovely down here." I hear as it's followed by hands coming around my waist. 

"I tried." I say shrugging. 

He leans forward to kiss my cheek, "Your worst could out do my best at any time." I smile and go grab Laura from her play area. I sit her in the toddler's chair and place her plate in front of her. She didn't hesitate to dig in.

"I'm gonna go take my shower now." I say. 

"You're not gonna eat?" He asks pouting. 

"Trust me, I ate during all that cooking boo." I say and he laughs before digging into his oatmeal


During my shower I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander. Am I really satisfied? Trevor has to go on tour soon. I'm not even decided on if I wanted to go.

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. That's how I lost my last best friend. It's crazy ironic cause that's how I didn't wanna go out. I never wanna stop being friends with someone ever a damn boy. Her boyfriend had beef with mine and she was quick to take sides when I kept quiet. She's extremely gullible when it comes to boys.

Cody and Trevor are a little bit older than both of us. Trevor has three years on me and Cody has four years on Bella. Cody and Trevor could've just sorted out their beef but of course too many people got involved.

We aren't cool anymore and I'm not mad at it. I'm building up my career with my not- so-perfect family. Laura may not be my child but she definitely has my heart. Love that girl.

I quickly dressed in something casual and headed downstairs. We had a long day ahead of us. We had to take Laura to Trevor's best friend house, drive out to his recording session, have a meeting with my agent along with his, then get Laura and have energy to entertain a two year old and be fully rested.

Thank god I'm not the one driving.

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