Charlie Sugg

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I'm waking up again.

The room is too bright. I squint my eyes to adjust to the intense whiteness of the walls.

In the corner of the room sits my same encounter from earlier, of what I assumed was that same day. My breathing is back to normal now, and everything is silent. Apart from the slow, faint, beeping of the machine.

It's him again.

I ignore him and try to sit up. I fail to do so, and he comes over to help me. I take in my surroundings. I'm in a small room in a single bed. There's a chair in the corner the boy had previously been sat in. A door to another room, which I presumed was a bathroom. A tv that looks like one of those old fashioned ones, that have massive backs to them like turtle shells. And then of course, there is this boy.

I open my mouth to speak, but I'm interrupted by him gently wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a warm hug.
...I push him away.

We both look at each other in confusion.

"Wh-wha-" my voice is quiet and croaky as I struggle to find the right words.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" After a moment of him looking intently into my eyes with his green/blue ones, he sits back in the same chair and sighs deeply.

"You were in a car crash, Charlie a-"

"Charlie?" I strain my voice to get my words out.

He looks at me now, his once stressed and tired face becoming awake and alert, as it fills with a look of sudden terror.

"Y-you..." He begins cautiously, stumbling over his words. "Charlie, do you not remember anything? Do you-do you even know who I am?"

I shake my head slowly.

"No. I'm so sorry. I wish I could, I really do." I say feeling bad for this poor boy, who's name and place I still don't know.

"No. No no no. NO. This can't be happening! Charlie LOOK AT ME." He stands up and puts his face in front of mine, trying to somehow jog my memory. But it's hopeless.

"Come on Charlie. Remember. Think! You have to remember me Charlie, you just HAVE TO!"

Both of our eyes start to fill with tears. I'm not sure why I'm crying, but seeing this poor man being put in pain simply by me not knowing who he is...We must be important to each other. And I can tell he's hurt.

"I-I'm so sorry..." I barely whisper.

He falls back into his chair, puts his head in his hands, and starts sobbing.

"How could something so stupid make you forget your own brother..."

My own brother...

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