The Suggs

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Once he has calmed down, my (supposed) older brother looks up at me in disbelief.

"Do you really not remember anything?" He asks quietly. I shake my head. He sighs before repositioning himself in the uncomfortable looking chair.

"Okay then, I'll tell you. If you're ready that is."

"Best to get it over with now rather than later." I say and he nods awkwardly. His eye focus shifts around the floor, rarely meeting mine.

"Okay so, um...Your name is Charlotte Elisa Sugg, but we call you Charlie for short. You live in England, in London, with me. You have a big sister called Zoe, and a big brother-" he pauses and breaths deeply to stop himself from crying.

"That's me. My name's Joe. You and I live together in our flat. You live with me because...well this is hard to tell you. But-"

"It's okay, I can handle it Joe." I say cautiously, trying out his name.

"Well. Our mum...she...she isn't alive anymore." He starts, his voice breaking slightly.

I frown as I take this in, every emotion hitting me like bricks all at once.

"She died almost a year ago now because she...well, that's not important. But after that happened, you went to live with our dad. But he didn't treat you well, at all. H-he was...abusive."

"Oh..." I just about manage.

"Thankfully though, I found out. You're safe now. He's in prison and you live with me."

"Oh." I whisper again, taking in this new information.

Joe opens his mouth to speak again, but he is interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in." He says.

The door opens to reveal a girl who looks to be a similar age to Joe, maybe older. They both share similar facial features.

"Hi Joe. How is she doing-" She looks over at me and stares, wide eyed.

"Charlie? You're awake!" She goes to run to me, but Joe stops her. He shakes his head and she looks from him, to me in confusion.

"No, Zoe, she...she doesn't know who you are." He says quietly.

She furrows her eyebrows at me in disbelief.

"Charlie?" She asks.

"Apparently..." I reply cautiously.

Joe whispers something to her. She nods and they hug each other for a second, before she comes over and sits on the edge of the bed, smiling at me weakly.

"How are you feeling, sweet-pea?" She asks kindly.

"I'm okay. But I'm just confused." I say.

"Well, for a start, I'm Zoe. I'm your big sister. I live in Brighton with my boyfriend Alfie, you'll meet him soon! Oh, and my Guinea pig and little pug, Nala."

"Alan." Joe interrupts smirking slightly.

"What?" I say chuckling lightly.

"It's Nala backwards." He replies proudly.

"Joe you can't keep calling her that, she's not a boy she's a bitch!" Zoe complains, and we all start laughing.

After a second, I stop, and my smile fades into a frown.

Why does it have to be like this? Why can't I remember anything? This isn't fair, it's like I'm starting my life all over again. I may as well not have had a life before. It was all just pointless...

"Charlie?" Joe says and I snap out of my chain of thought.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said are you alright?" I sigh heavily.

"I don't know. I hate this. I wish I could remember something. At least something.'s like I've only just been born."

Zoe reaches over, and takes my hand in hers.

"We hate it too. But I promise you we will figure this out. We will do whatever we can. That's a promise. And us Suggs don't break our promises."

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